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January 21, 2009

Dorofeev N.V., Orekhov A.A. Increase the efficiency of the geodynamic control through the introduction of new geoelectric models

Increase the efficiency of the geodynamic control through the introduction of new geoelectric models

Dorofeev N.V., Orekhov A.A.

In this paper the method of increasing the efficiency of the geodynamic control by introducing new geoelectrical models. Geoelectrical model developed geoelectric section and surface irregularities into account the effect of temperature and humidity on the change in the conductivity of the soil. Criteria of evaluation of the effectiveness of automated controls. The choice of statistical test for evaluating the effectiveness of the geodynamic control. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the geodynamic control, developed on the basis of the proposed geoelectrical models. Shown that the use of new models in the geodynamic system control and monitoring to reduce the risk of false detection at 0.08 and increase the probability of correct detection even when the signal / noise ratio 16.25 dB. Thus, the application of the proposed geoelectrical models made it possible to increase the efficiency of the geodynamic control.

Keywords: geoelectric monitoring system, monitoring system, geo-ecology, geo-ecological monitoring, geoelectric model, efficiency, effectiveness.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 11-14

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Dorofeev Nikolay Viktorovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Orekhov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – teacher, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

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