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Dorofeev N.V., Orekhov A.A., Romanov R.V. Automated global geoecological monitoring on the basis of GIAS

Automated global geoecological monitoring on the basis of GIAS

Dorofeev N.V., Orekhov A.A., Romanov R.V.

The work discusses the application of service-oriented architecture, geographic information-analytical system of geoecological monitoring.

Keywords: geoelectrical monitoring system, the geographic information and analysis system, GIS, system monitoring, geo-ecology, geo-ecological monitoring.


  1. Dorofeyev N.V., Kuzichkin O.R.  Allocation algorithm irregular perturbations of the geomagnetic field on a network of stations // Mathematical and software of computer systems. – Moscow: Publishing House of the “Hot Line – Telecom”, 2007. – P. 28-32.
  2. Kuzichkin O.R., Orekhov A.A., Kuligin M.N. Measuring channel recording system geomagnetic signals // Questions electronics. 2010, T1, № 1. – P. 122-128.
  3. Dorofeyev N.V., Kuzichkin O.R., Orekhov A.A. Initial signal processing in distributed networks registration geomagnetic field. // Information Systems and Technology, №4, 2010. – P. 119-122.
  4. Pavlov S.V. Service-oriented architecture in the worldwide enterprise GIS // Management, Computer Science and Informatics. – Ufa: USATU, 2010, Vol. 14, № 5.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 26-29

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Dorofeev Nikolay Viktorovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Orekhov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – Teacher, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Romaniv Roman Vjacheslavovich – Engineer, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Gutova L.O. Biological treatment of wastewater at in «Stocks» of Vyksa District and ways to solving problems for advanced treatment of these waters

Biological treatment of wastewater at in «Stocks» of Vyksa District and ways to solving problems for advanced treatment of these waters

Gutova L.O.

This article discusses the effectiveness of biological treatment of wastewater at MUP Vyksa District “Stoki”, shows a possible influence on the Oka River insufficiently treated wastewater. Defined way to solve problems in advanced treatment of biologically treated wastewater.

Keywords: waste water, biological wastewater treatment, disinfection, dechlorination, biological ponds, MPD, maximum permissible discharge.


  1. Bannikov A.G., Rustamov A..K, Vakulin A.A. The Nature Conservancy. – Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1985. – 287 p.
  2. Zhmur N.S. Process Control and Monitoring wastewater treatment plants to the aeration tank. – Moscow: ​​Ray, 1997. – 172 p.
  3. Biological ponds
  4. Biological ponds
  5. Solovjev L.P., Bulkin V.V., Sharapov R.V. The existence of man in the technosphere // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1 (11) – P.31-39.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 23-26

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Gutova Ljudmila Olegovna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Viksa, Russia. E-mail:


Grigorjuk E.N. The influence of the chemical industry waste water to water districts Murom of Vladimir region

The influence of the chemical industry waste water to water districts Murom of Vladimir region

Grigorjuk E.N.

The article considers the application of the environmental monitoring for detection of influence of the environ-ment pollution which produced by the chemical industry facilities on the water and agricultural resources. The analysis of the environment situation in the region of Murom Instrument Plant is carried out. The character of pollution and its chemical composition is developed. Finally, the solution for normalization of the environmental situation is proposed.

Keywords: environment, environmental monitoring, environment pollution, sewage, anionic surfactants heavy metals.


  1. Solovjev L.P., Bulkin V.V., Sharapov R.V. The existence of man in the technosphere // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1 (11) – P.31-39.
  2. Vernadsky V.I. The chemical structure of the Earth’s biosphere and its environment. – Moscow: Nauka, 1965. – 354 p.
  3. Yakovenko G.P. Environment monitoring. Part 1. – Vladivostok, 2007. – 180 p.
  4. Copper
  5. Gritsenko A.V., Lisiev V.N. Biosphere monitoring – Kharkov: HTADTU, 2000. – 100 p.
  6. River Ilevna // State water register
  7. Portal regulations
  8. System of industrial wastewater treatment // Production Company “Rybinskkompleks”

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 20-22

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Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N. An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom

An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom

Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N.

An analysis of the impact of the distribution of wind flows on the nature of the possible pollution enterprises in Murom area. It is shown that there is a risk not only the transmission of air pollutants in residential areas, but also education sluggish.

Keywords: wind flow, chemical industry, contamination.


  1. Smit K. Principles of Applied Climatology.- McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited, London, 1975.
  2. Grigoryuk E.N. The influence of the chemical industry waste water to water districts Murom of Vladimir region // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 2. – P.20-22.
  3. Tarasov V.V., Tikhonova I.O., Kruchinina N.E. Air monitoring. – M.: Forum: INFRA-M, 2007. -128 p.
  4. Bulkin A.V., Shugaeva T.Y., Bulkin V.V. The reliability of the results of environmental control through training meteorological station // Methods and apparatus information transmission and processing. Issue 7, 2006. – P.78-83.
  5. Shugaeva T.Y., Bulkin A.V., Kiselev N.F., Bulkin V.V. The nature of some of the parameters of the synoptic atmospheric boundary layer // Methods and apparatus information transmission and processing. Issue 8, 2007. – P.55-60.
  6. Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V. The distribution of wind flow in an urban space as an element of environmental monitoring // Engineering industry and life safety, 2008, № 5. – P.14-20.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 16-19

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Bulkin Alexey Vladislavovich – Head of Laboratory nondestructive testing CJSC “MuromEnergoMash”, postgraduate student, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Professor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Balandina E.A., Tumanova N.I. About features of workplaces certification of medical institutions

About features of workplaces certification of medical institutions

Balandina E.A., Tumanova N.I.

In article the major dangerous and harmful factors defining working conditions of the medical worker, and also the base normative documents necessary for certification of workplaces of medical institutions are considered.

Keywords: certification of the workplaces, dangerous and harmful factors, injury prevention, intensity of labor process.


  1. Library regulations on labor protection NIIOT St. Petersburg // St. Petersburg Research Institute of Labour Protection (site). 2011. URL:
  2. The new qualifying handbook for managers, professionals and other employees. – 2nd ed. – M: Publishing House of the Omega-L, 2005. – 393p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 9-15

Download full text:Баландина Е.А., Туманова Н.И. Об особенностях аттестации рабочих мест медицинских учреждений

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Balandina Elena Alekseevna – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Tumanova Nina Ivanovna – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:


Balandina E.A., Timokhin M.V. Innovative approach to labor protection questions – the life requirement

Innovative approach to labor protection questions – the life requirement

Balandina E.A., Timokhin M.V.

In work need of an innovative approach to labor protection questions, training and training of specialists at the Vladimir state university on the basis of statistical data of State Labour Inspection in the Vladimir region is considered.

Keywords: labor protection, innovations, operational injuries, means of individual protection.


  1. Matveev M.V. Report on the activities of the State Labour Inspectorate in the Vladimir region in 12 months of 2011 // National Labour Inspectorate in the Vladimir region (site). 2012. URL:
  2. Zinoviev V.E. Report on the activities of the State Labour Inspectorate in Vladimir region for 12 months of 2010. // National Labour Inspectorate in the Vladimir region (site). 2011. URL:
  3. The new qualifying handbook for managers, professionals and other employees. – 2nd ed. – M: Publishing House of the Omega-L, 2005. – 393 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 4-9

Download full text:Баландина Е.А., Тимохин М.В. Инновационный подход к вопросам охраны труда – требование жизни

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Balandina Elena Alekseevna – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Timokhin Michail Vladimirovich – Inspector of the State Labour Inspectorate in the Vladimir region, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:


Zelinskiy V.V. Plastic equilibrium of the surface layer of the friction

Plastic equilibrium of the surface layer of the friction

Zelinskiy V.V.

The topicality of researches devoted to interaction of surfaces in the process of friction on the small size of the actual contact area is substantiated. That interaction occurs into tribomates of many machines, and mechanisms as well as in the process of technological running-in. In relation to the plain bearings by the method of slip lines is shown, that at plastic deformation of micro-roughness is convergence and overlap of the deformed parts under them. The modeling of real interaction by the introduction of the hard cone with a certain sizes into plastic half-space, subjected to one of the conditions of plasticity is considered. The basic equations from the results of mathematical modeling of interaction of rubbing surfaces, obtained on the basis of the fundamental assumptions of the theory of plasticity are presented. Evaluation of the results of mathematical modeling on the correspondence of the results of the experiments, established by the method of x-ray structural analysis is given.

Keywords: deformation, surface, plasticity, modeling, micro-roughness, material, slip.


  1. Zelinskiy V.V. Communication between the parameters tribocontact during running // New materials and technologies in mechanical engineering research institute. Volume 1. – Bryansk, 2002. – P. 41-44.
  2. Zelinskiy V.V. Phenomenological bases of the isofriction running-in of supports of the slip of machines. Part 1 // Engineering industry and life safety, 2009, № 6. – P. 117-121.
  3. Zelinskiy V.V. Phenomenological bases of the isofriction running-in of supports of the slip of machines. Part 2 // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 3. – P. 48-52.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (14), 2012. Pages: 46-49

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Zelinskiy Viktor Vasiljevich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Telkov I.A. Stability of the indenter at smoothing non-ferrous metals

Stability of the indenter at smoothing non-ferrous metals

Telkov I.A.

For modern production requires a high performance metal cutting and superficial plastic deformation (SPD). The process SPD at high speeds is accompanied by vibrations and processes of oscillatory. These processes reduce the quality of the machined surfaces. The transition from a stable position of the indenter for smoothing to the vibrating almost unnoticeable. This is especially pronounced in the processing of materials such as aluminum, copper, titanium and their alloys. The results of experimental studies to determine the boundary of technological of factors of machining, appropriate of sustainable process smoothing nonferrous metals. Describes a method of finding a simplified of stability criterion of the indenter for smoothing of parts of non-ferrous metals.

Keywords: fluctuation, stability.


  1. Kudinov V.A. Machine dynamics. – M: Mashinostroenie, 1967. – 360 p.
  2. Telkov I.A. Regular component of the profile of the roughness after superficial plastic deformation // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1 (8). – P. 73-76.
  3. Telkov I.A. Self-oscillatory movement of the indenter in the direction of the velocity at the surface plastic deformation // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 2. – P. 73-76.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (14), 2012. Pages: 62-65

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Telkov Ivan Anatoljevich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Barinov S.V. The evaluation criteria of contact-fatigue failure of machine parts

The evaluation criteria of contact-fatigue failure of machine parts

Barinov S.V.

The article raises the question of evaluation criteria of contact-fatigue failure of machine parts. In addition to the traditional criteria – contact strength and contact fatigue, to include additional parameters, it is proposed to introduce additional parameters: contact resistance chipping ΔI, the relative area of chipping ΔS, the relative number of chipping Δn, the maximum relative chipping area ΔSmax, minimum relative chipping area ΔSmin. The input parameters allow better display picture wearing the action of cyclic loads of contact, to assess durability of the samples after hardening, compare the size and number of chipping on hardened and not reinforced surface. The proposed indicators can be calculated as in manual mode, using, for example, a digital image chipping and Compass program, and in the semi-based application on the basis of computer programs for metallographic analysis.

Keywords: contact resistance, contact fatigue, chipping resistance contact, testing, chipping, fracture.


  1. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L., Barinov S.V., Silantyev S.A. Increased contact fatigue machine parts heterogeneous strain hardened static and pulse processing // Strengthening technology and coatings, 2008, № 7(43). – P. 9-15.
  2. Solovyov D.L., Kirichek A.V., Barinov S.V. Increased durability of machine parts creating heterogeneous case hardened structure // Heavy Engineering, 2010, № 7. – P. 4-7.
  3. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L., Barinov S.V., Tarasov D.E. Experimental setup for investigation of contact-fatigue wear of machine parts // News OrelGTU. Series «Fundamental and applied problems of Engineering and Technology», 2009, № 3-2/275 (561). – P. 7-13.
  4. Barinov S.V., Silantyev S.A., Solovyov D.L., Medvedev M.N. Equipment for research material to resist chipping contact // Engineering industry and life safety, 2010, № 7. – P. 87-88.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (14), 2012. Pages: 28-31

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Barinov Sergey Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Sharapov R.V. The structure of the groundwater monitoring system

The structure of the groundwater monitoring system

Sharapov R.V.

In this paper we propose the structure of the groundwater monitoring system. The monitoring system includes observation subsystem, subsystem of receiving data, storage subsystem, the subsystem assessment of groundwater, prediction subsystem. Subsystem of receiving data contains modules for automatic and manual receiving data, pre-processing, data conversion and data validation modules. Data validation module can detect errors in the stage of receiving data and send corrective action in observation subsystem. Storage subsystem contains a database of observations and database of models. Database of models used to make predictions changes in the state of groundwater. Subsystem assessment analyzes information from a database of observations and generates reports.

Keywords: monitoring, groundwater.


  1. The concept of groundwater state monitoring. – M: Ministry of Natural Resources, 1992. – 12 p.
  2. Guidelines on the organization and production of observation mode level, pressure and flow of groundwater. – M: VSEGINGEO, 1983.
  3.  Guidance on the production of observation mode, the temperature of groundwater. – M: VSEGINGEO, 1983.
  4. Sharapov R.V. Monitoring exogenous processes // Engineering industry and life safety. 2012, № 2. – P.39-42.
  5. Sharapov R.V. The transition from the technical to the natural-technical systems // Engineering industry and life safety. 2012, № 2. – P.43-46.
  6. Sharapov R.V. Principles of groundwater monitoring // Engineering industry and life safety. 2012, № 3. – P.27-30.
  7. Shestakov V.M. Groundwater monitoring – the principles, methods, problem // Geoecology. 1993, № 6. – P. 3-12.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (14), 2012. Pages: 20-23

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Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: