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Fokin V.M., Kovylin A.V. Determination of thermophysical properties of construction and insulation materials in buildings for energy audits by means of nondestructive control

Determination of thermophysical properties of construction and insulation materials in buildings for energy audits by means of nondestructive control

Fokin V.M., Kovylin A.V.

Today energy saving has become an urgent issue connected with the rational usage and saving of global natural resources. Problems of energy saving and reduction of heat loss in the environment produce a significant effect on technical and economic performance, as well as on capital expenditures of operated buildings. Actual protection properties of buildings may change in the course of their operation and fail to meet the certification requirements. The same thermophysical protection properties (thermal conductivity coefficient – λ; thermal diffusivity coefficient – a; volumetric heat capacity – сρ; heat absorption coefficient – B) significantly affect heat and air regime when exploiting different-purpose buildings, as well as energy-consuming heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Therefore, one of the most important current issues is to find and create methods that are energy-saving, accurate, reliable and easy to implement. They will help determine thermophysical properties of external protection of operated buildings.

Keywords: energy saving method, external building protection, non-destructive testing, thermal properties, thermal conductivity coefficient, thermal diffusivity coefficient, volumetric heat capacity.


  1. The method of nondestructive testing of the complex thermal characteristics of solid building materials: Patent. 2421711 Russan Federation № 2009129316/28; appl. 29.07.2009, publ. 20.06.2011.
  2. Fokin V.M. Scientific and methodological basis for determining the thermal properties of materials by non-destructive testing: monography – Moskow: Machinostroenie, 2003. – 140 p.
  3. Ametistov E.V., Grigoriev, V.A., Emtsev B.T. Heat and Mass Transfer. Thermal Engineering Experiment: A Handbook. – Moskow: Energoizdat, 1982. – 512 p.
  4. Usadskiy D.G., Fokin V.M. Experimental determination of the thermal properties and parameters of the vapor-droplet heater in the steady-state thermal regime // Bulletin VolgGASU: Building and Architecture. – Volgograd: VolgGASU, 2011. Vol. 21 (40). – P. 118-123.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 20-23

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Fokin Vladimir Mikhailovich – Professor, Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Volgograd, Russia. E-mail:

Kovylin Andrey Vasiljevich – Ph.D., Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Volgograd, Russia. E-mail:


Solovjev L.P. The state of environmental and economic monitoring system

The state of environmental and economic monitoring system

Solovjev L.P.

The paper analyses the state of the system that monitors the functioning of environmental- economic systems. The results are presented in the yearly state reports «About the state and protection of the environment in the Russian Federation» and the yearly state reports of the subjects of Federation «About the state and protection of the environment». The monitoring system has been significantly improved lately: the number of indices under control has increased, as well as new relative indices have been developed alongside with the absolute ones. The adoption of the state program of the Russian Federation “Environment protection for the years 2012 – 2020” was one of the major contributions to the development of the system monitoring the functioning of ecological-economic systems. At the same time there is some data insufficiency of indices – we have no relative indices characterizing contamination degree of ecological-economic systems connected with production resource capacity. Furthermore, monitoring system lacks indices characterizing the levels of physical (energy) impact on the ecological-economic systems.

Keywords: monitoring environmental-economic systems, absolute indices, relative indices, production resource capacity, physical impact.


  1. The State Reports. On the state and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation (2004 – 2011 years).
  2. Solovyev L.P. Some additional performance indicators of the ecological and economic systems // Engineering industry and life safety, 2010, № 7. − P. 55-58.
  3. Solovyev L.P. Resource performance indicators of ecological and economic systems // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. − P. 30-32.
  4. The State Program of the Russian Federation, «Environmental Protection» in 2012-2020 years.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 15-19

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Mikhalev A.V., Perepelkin V.M., Tumanova N.I. Organizational problems of workplaces certification according to working conditions

Organizational problems of workplaces certification according to working conditions

Mikhalev A.V., Perepelkin V.M., Tumanova N.I.

This paper deals with current problems connected with organization and implementation of working places certification at the factories belonging to different branches of economics. The analysis involves workplaces certification activities, which include a number of organizational problems related to financing, finding a certifying company as well as looking for the optimal solution to these issues. Statistics has been given on workers’ awareness of mandatory aspect of working places certification, as well as reasons for the economic feasibility of this procedure. The main criteria taken into account when choosing a provider-company for working places certification are presented. The paper discusses some of the features and aspects for preparing initial documents of the workplaces certification procedure in accordance with working conditions.

Keywords: certification of workplaces, classes of working conditions, benefits and provisions for harmful working conditions, certifying organization, employer.


  1. Terekhin R.G. Attestation of workplaces – not a cheap exercise // Forbes. 2011, № 9. – P. 15-18.
  2. Ilyina E.S. What you need to know about the attestation of workplaces // Business and Life. 2012, № 10. – P. 31-33.
  3. Library normative documents on health and safety NIIOT St. Petersburg [electronic resource]: // St. Petersburg Research Institute of Labour Protection [2012].  URL:

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 10-14

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Mikhalev Aleksandr Valerjevich – Student, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Perepelkin Viktor Mikhailovich – Student, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Tumanova Nina Ivanovna – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:


Kayzer Y.F., Gorbunova L.N., Lysyannikov A.V. Respiratory system RVS-3000

Respiratory system RVS-3000

Kayzer Y.F., Gorbunova L.N., Lysyannikov A.V.

When storing and pumping fuel in warehouses there is an urgent problem of reducing fuel losses caused by evaporation due to «large and small breaths» of the tank. As a result of these «breaths», low pressure in the reservoir («breath») leads to filling the tank vapor space with atmospheric air. The tank contains a significant amount of water vapor, which then condenses to accumulate and remain in the fuel, significantly degrading its properties. The system has been developed to reduce fuel loss caused by evaporation. It will provide reducing environment pollution and economic losses of enterprises, as well as keeping up quantitative fuel composition. The system will help increase fire safety and nonexplosiveness of fuel and lubricant stock. A specially designed drying agent is a cylindrical vessel filled with an adsorbent. The analysis results let us use silica gel for absorption of water vapor thanks to its advantages (low regeneration temperature, low production costs, high mechanical strength against abrasion and crushing, etc.). The recommendations have been given to find out the adsorbent life depending on ambient temperature and absolute air moisture content. It can be determined by the air amount entering the reservoir as a result of «big breaths».

Keywords: reservoir, vent valve, fuel and lubricating materials, silica gel.


  1. Arbuzova F.F. Loss control of oil and petroleum products during transportation and storage. − Moscow: Nedra, 1981.
  2. Kayzer Y.F. Storage of aviation fuels // Processing of Eastern Donbas Prospects. Part 1. − Novocherkassk SRSTU, 2010. − P. 225-228.
  3. Keltsev N.V. Fundamentals of adsorption technology: 2nd ed. − Moskow, 1984. − 247 p.
  4. Akselrud G.A. Introduction to the capillary-chemical technology. − Moskow: Chemistry, 1983. – 264 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 4-9

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Kayzer Yuriy Fillipovich – Ph.D., Oil and Gas Institute of the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Lysyannikov Aleksey Vasiljevich – Teacher, Oil and Gas Institute of the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Khomenko A.P., Eliseev S.V., Artyunin A.I. The issues of developing mathematical models of mechanical systems with dynamical absorbers through links coupling

The issues of developing mathematical models of mechanical systems with dynamical absorbers through links coupling

Khomenko A.P., Eliseev S.V., Artyunin A.I.

The paper deals with a general theory of lever dynamical vibration absorbers in mechanical systems intended to protect machinery and equipment from vibration and stresses. Desirable effects will be achieved by making proper couplings between the system links which results in reducing the number of freedom degrees of the system movement. Possibilities of using several systems of coordinates for describing the system dynamical properties depending on the element location and support are discussed. The paper considers the ways of eliminating some coordinates of relative movements provided they could be equal zero under specific conditions. Such approximations form link couplings and mechanisms in vibration system structure which can change the system dynamics. New means for controlling vibroprotection system dynamics could be developed. A number of examples are given based on mathematical modelling.

Keywords: vibroprotection systems, dynamical absorbers, lever mechanisms.


  1. Lee Min. Damping of resonance oscillations of gyroscopic systems active dynamic absorber // Abstract dis.  candidate. tehn. science – Moscow: MGTU, 2008. – 16 p.
  2. Eliseev S.V., Trofimov A.N., Bolshakov R.S., Savchenko A.A. The concept of feedback in the dynamics of mechanical systems and the dynamic vibration damping // Science and education, № 5, 2012. URL:
  3. Guskov A.M., Panovko G.Y., Chan-Van-Binh. Dynamics auto parametric oscillation damper (Part 1)  // Science and Education, № 2, 2008. URL: 80815.html.
  4. Khomenko, A.P., Eliseev S.V. Dynamic balancing of rotating shafts as a form of dynamic damping of mechanical systems // Modern technology. System analysis. Modeling, № 3 (35), 2012. – P. 8-17.
  5. Eliseev S.V., Lukyanov A.V., Reznik Yu.N., Khomenko A.P. Dynamics of mechanical systems with additional ties – Irkutsk: Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering, 2006. – P. 316.
  6. Eliseev S.V., Belokobylskiy S.V. Generalized approaches to the construction of mathematical models of mechanical systems with L-shaped dynamic damper // System. Methods. Technology, 2011, № 9. – P. 9-23.
  7. Druzhinsky I.A. Mechanical chain. –Moscow: Mashinostroyenie. 1977. – 224 p.
  8. Babakov I.M. Theory of oscillations. –Moscow: Nauka, 1968. – 549 p.
  9. Loitsyanskiy L.G., Lurie A.I.The course of theoretical mechanics. Vol.2. Dynamics. – Moscow: Nauka, 1980. – 640 p.
  10. Eliseev S.V., Upir R.Y. Features of the dynamics of three-mass vibration isolation systems. The forms of self-organization of the movement // Bulletin IrGTU. Irkutsk, 2009, № 40. – P. 62-67.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 62-76

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Khomenko Andrey Pavlovich – Professor, Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:

Eliseev Sergey Viktorovich – Professor, Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:

Artyunin Anatoliy Ivanovich – Professor, Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:


Zelinskiy V.V., Suchilin D.N. Modification of the materials surface layer for plain bearings

Modification of the materials surface layer for plain bearings

Zelinskiy V.V., Suchilin D.N.

The results of investigating the possibilities of improving tribological properties of materials for bearings using a new combination of technological methods – plastic deformation of the surface layer and its subsequent break-in on a specific technology. The essence of the modification is to manage the creation of a positive stress gradient strength in depth, pre-hardened surface layer, using phenomena return, achieved earnings. There are conditions of the experiments on samples of two bearing alloys used in modern piston engines. Provides detailed evaluation of the results – in the carrying capacity of the modified surface, the length of the running, characteristics wear and temperature conditions coupled with the running process. Emphasizing the possibility of a significant increase in service properties of the study group on the basis of materials submitted by the method of inoculation.

Keywords: modification, running-in, bedding, wear, friction, load capacity, load.


  1. Friction, wear and lubrication (Tribology and Tribotechnics) / A.V. Chichinadze, E.M. Berliner, E.D. Brown. Ed. A.V. Chichinadze. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 2003. – 576 p.
  2. Bushe N.A., Kopytko V.V. Compatibility of the rubbing surfaces. – Moscow: Nauka, 1981. – 127 p.
  3. Kragelskiy I.V., Dobychin M.N., Kombalov V.S. Fundamentals of calculations on friction and wear. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1977. – 526 p.
  4. Johnson W., Mellor P.B. The theory of plasticity for engineers. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1979. – 567 p.
  5. Lahtin Y.M., Leontiev V.P. Materials Science: The textbook for engineering schools. 2nd ed. rev. and add. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1980. – 493 p.
  6. Zelinskiy V.V. Mechanics of friction of the contact in the area of plastic deformation // Modern Problems of Science and Education, 2012, № 6, URL: http://www/
  7. Zelinskiy V.V. Plastic equilibrium of the surface layer of the friction // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 4. – P. 46-49.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 54-61

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Zelinskiy Viktor Vasiljevich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Suchilin Dmitriy Nikolaevich – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Blurtsyan D.R., Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan I.R. The research of regularities in finding shape errors and roughness in cut-in centreless grinding of driveshaft cross-piece journals in accordance with the coolant composition and its supply scheme to the grinding area

The research of regularities in finding shape errors and roughness in cut-in centreless grinding of driveshaft cross-piece journals in accordance with the coolant composition and its supply scheme to the grinding area

Blurtsyan D.R., Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan I.R.

The paper presents the research results of shape errors and roughness of driveshaft cross-piece journal surfaces in cut-in cenreless grinding in accordance with the coolant composition and its supply scheme into the grinding area. The results will provide increasing the quality of driveshaft cross-piece journal surfaces. The dependence of shape error change and specification on roundness and cut are considered in the course of the research work as well as ground surface parameters (Ra, Rz) depend on the coolant composition and its supply scheme to the grinding area in cut-in cenreless grinding of driveshaft cross-piece journals. The paper considers the influence of emulsol, which is a water solution, and NGL-205 coolant on developing the shape roughness and error parameters in centreless grinding. Roughness parameter measurements are conducted with the use of profilometers-profilers of various designs. Shape error parameter measurements are performed using bore gages when recording polar diagrams followed by their processing. The results of the research have been implemented in manufacturing driveshaft cross-pieces.

Keywords: shape errors, roughness, centreless grinding, cross-piece, composition, coolant supply scheme.


  1. Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan D.R., Blurtsyan I.R. The study of regularities of formation form errors, surface roughness and waviness in the mortise centerless grinding pins frogs drive shafts, depending on the speed of the leading circles // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1 (11). – P. 47-50.
  2. Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan D.R., Blurtsyan I.R. The study of regularities of formation form errors, surface roughness and waviness in the mortise centerless grinding pins frogs drive shafts, depending on the momentary cross feed // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1 (11). – P. 51-54.
  3. Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan D.R., Zalazinskiy M.N., Selihov G.F., Blurtsyan I.R. Study fatigue torsion shafts treated without grinding operations // Engineering industry and life safety, 2008, № 5. – P. 128-130.
  4. Blurtsyan D.R., Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan I.R. Possibility of increasing the service life of the torsion shaft engineering methods // Engineering industry and life safety, 2009, № 6. – P. 85-90.
  5. Blurtsyan D.R., Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan I.R. Investigation of the effect on the quality of the cutting surfaces with mortise centerless grinding // Engineering industry and life safety, 2010, № 7. – P. 89-94.
  6. Blurtsyan D.R., Blurtsyan R.S., Blurtsyan I.R. Technological features of the formation of residual stresses in the surface layers of the torsion shafts running // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. – P. 17-20.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 49-53

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Blurtsyan David Rafaelovich – Professor, Sandvik Coromant, Sweden. E-mail:

Blurtsyan Rafic Shavarfovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Blurtsyan Iosif Rafaelovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Baranov V.A., Gorbunova L.N. Problem of cranes exploitation with dangerous defects

Problem of cranes exploitation with dangerous defects

Baranov V.A., Gorbunova L.N.

A great number of load-lifting cranes with expired standard service terms are being employed in Russia nowadays. The paper presents a number of defects detected in the expert surveys of load-lifting cranes. Among the most dangerous defects causing failures and accidents are the following: cracks in the welded joints and the base metal of supporting structures; extreme negative sagging of the flight structure of bridge-type cranes; the weakening of bolted joints connecting sections, towers, arrows and portals; excessive wear–out and wire drop-offs of cargo ropes; unreliable securing cargo ropes ends; maximum wear-out of hoisting mechanisms couplings and brake pulleys; weakness and lack of bolts supporting-rotary devices of truck cranes, pneumatic valves, caterpillar and tower cranes; reduced braking torque of hoisting mechanisms brakes, swivel brakes, flight change brakes, movement of cranes and carriages; full or partial absence of, or an undesirable operating state of anti-theft devices; inability or the fault of the limit switching mechanisms; the failure or lack of capacity constraints; lack of or inoperable anemometers; unsatisfactory condition of the crane ways; the absence or poor condition of the dead-end stops; the unsatisfactory condition of power cables insulation; inability of voltage light-signalling on main bridge cranes trolleys; inefficiency of sound alarm, etc. The paper presents the ways to reduce the amount of load-lifting cranes with dangerous defects, i. e. cranes operated in the warning state.

Keywords: load-lifting crane, dangerous defect, failure, accident.


  1. Who | the world organization of health
  2. RD 10-112-96. Methodical instructions on inspection of load-lifting machines with expired service.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 41-48

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Baranov Vasiliy Anatoljevich – General Director of ITC «Sibkranservice», Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Sharapov R.V. Determination of karst collapse intensity from incomplete data

Determination of karst collapse intensity from incomplete data

Sharapov R.V.

The paper deals with the definition of karst collapse intensity. The technique for determining the intensity of karst formation and collapse on the basis of calculation and probabilistic method is given. In reality, karst col-lapse formation is affected by a great variety of natural and anthropogenic factors. Each factor can vary quite widely. Certain combinations of factors can cause karst process activation, while other combinations are not able to bring the natural system out of balance. The paper describes a technique for determining karst collapse intensity from incomplete data. It uses karst processes monitoring data in the area and monitoring data of areas with similar values of the most significant factors leading to the karst collapses.

Keywords: karst collapse intensity, karst, karst collapse.


  1. Makeev Z.A. The principles of engineering geological zoning of karst regions // Moscow Conference on Karst, vol. 4. – Molotov: Publication Molotov State University, 1948.
  2. Maksimovic G.A. Karst basics. Volume 1. – Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1963.
  3. Tolmachev V.V. Engineering and building development of karst territories / V.V. Tolmachev, G.M. Troitsky, V.P. Homenko; Ed. E.A. Sorochana. – Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1986. – 176 p.
  4. Tolmachev V.V. On the method of quantitative assessment of environmental factors affecting the formation of karst failures. Processing of MIIT, 1968, vol. 273.
  5. Sharapov R.V. Monitoring exogenous processes // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 2. – P.39-42.
  6. Sharapov R.V.  Some of the application of new information technologies in the simulation of emergency situations // Engineering industry and life safety, 2008, № 5. – P.62-66.
  7. Sharapov R.V.  Some problems of exogenous processes monitoring // Fundamental research, 2013, № 1-2. – P. 444-447.
  8. Sharapov R.V. Review of approaches to modeling emergency situations // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1. – P.39-41.
  9. Sharapov R.V. Indicators for monitoring and assessment of karst processes // Engineering industry and life safety, 2013, № 1. – P.28-34.
  10. Sharapov R.V.Reflections on ecological and geological systems // Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2013, Vol 18, № 3. – P. 918-922.
  11. Scheffe H. The analysis of variance – Moscow: Science, 1980. – 512 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 36-40

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Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Solovjev L.P. Improvement of monitoring residential areas of ecological and economic systems

Improvement of monitoring residential areas of ecological and economic systems

Solovjev L.P.

The paper deals with the monitoring system state analysis of residential areas in ecological and economic systems, the results of which are presented in the annual state reports «On the state of the environment in the Russian Federation» and the annual state reports of the subjects of the Federation «On the condition and protection of the environment». The monitoring of chemical pollution has significantly improved. The adoption of a number of federal laws and state standards in the field of protection of the biosphere and people from chemical pollution of the environment has made a great contribution to chemical pollution monitoring. Special attention is paid to the lack of physical (energy) pollution monitoring system of residential areas in ecological-economic systems. Mapping monitoring system of these impacts is designed.

Keywords: monitoring of residential areas of ecological and economic systems, chemical pollution, physical pollution.


  1. Instructions for implementation of state control over protection of atmospheric air. 2011.
  2. SanPiN «Sanitation of settlements, sanitary protection of water objects. Hygiene requirements for surface water protection».
  3. SanPiN «Sanitary-epidemio-logical requirements for soil quality».
  4. State of the environment report of the city of Novokuznetsk. 2010.
  5. Report on the state of nature management and environment protection of the Krasnodar territory. 2011.
  6. Report on the environmental situation in the Yaroslavl region. 2011.
  7. Soloviev L.P., Bulkin V.V., Sharapov R.V. The existence of man in the technosphere  // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1. − P. 31-39.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 33-35

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: