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Gusev S.V. The effect of resistance and hardness of the carbide phase on tool life

The effect of resistance and hardness of the carbide phase on tool life

Gusev S.V.

Resistance analysis of milling cutters produced of different materials and alloys has been performed. The analysis demonstrates that steels of the same hardness characteristics can display different resistance. Typically, tool life increases with increasing its hardness. The presented tool materials turn out to have different carbide phase contents. The increased carbide phase content results in increasing the resistance of steels and alloys, though they feature the same hardness. The graph illustrates the effect of the carbide phase percentage on relative wear resistance of steels and alloys. A newly developed heterogeneous material can be used for cutter manufacturing. The material has a wear-resistant structure, a favorable structure combination and a complex of physical and mechanical properties: the combination of high hardness and viscosity; vibration damping; lowering E (elasticity modulus), which reduces voltage; providing self-sharpening; high resistance to compression, bending and shear.

Keywords: hardness, wear resistance, carbide phase.


  1. 1. Tenenbaum M.M. Wear resistance of structural materials and machine parts in abrasive wear. – Moscow: Mashinostroyeniye, 1966. – 332 p.
  2. 2. Grube A.E. Woodcutting tools. – Moscow: Forest Industry, 1971. – 344 p.
  3. 3. Gusev S.V., Gusev A.S. The use of heterogeneous material to improve the flexural strength of the teeth of the cutting tool // Engineering industry and life safety, 2009, № 6. – P. 97-99.
  4. 4. Gusev S.V., Gusev A.S. The general equation of tool wear when cutting wood // Engineering industry and life safety, 2010, № 7. – P. 94-96.
  5. 5. Gusev S.V., Gusev A.S. Assessing the role of vibration and thermal cycling stresses during wear the tool material // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. – P. 25-27.
  6. 6. Gusev S.V., Gusev A.S. The theoretical justification for self-sharpening effect // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 3. – P.  44-47.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 52-54

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Gusev Sergey Viktorovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Aborkin A.V., Zaharov A.A., Babin D.M., Orekhov O.P. Calculation and experimental study of power parameters of the continuous channel-angular pressing of aluminum

Calculation and experimental study of power parameters of the continuous channel-angular pressing of aluminum

Aborkin A.V., Zaharov A.A., Babin D.M., Orekhov O.P.

The paper deals with the issues of determining the effect of process parameters (such as rotor speed and friction coefficient) on the power parameters of the continuous channel-angular pressing of aluminum. The technique to carry out the experiment has been developed. Experimental data on changes in power parameters of the continuous channel-angular pressing of aluminum has been received. A simulation model for qualitative and quantitative process of the continuous channel-angular pressing of AD0 aluminum alloy has been developed and presented in numbers. The simulation model has been tested for its accuracy by comparing the calculated and experimental data. The estimation of process parameters effect on power parameters of the continuous channel-angular pressing has been obtained. The calculations have proved that increasing the rotor speed can result in 7% increase in the torque value and 20% friction coefficient increase.

Keywords: continuous channel-angular pressing, intensive plastic deformation, power parameters.


  1. Cho J.R., Jeong H.S. Parametric investigation on the surface defect occurrence in CONFORM process by the finite element method // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Vol. 104, 2000. – P. 236-243.
  2. Kim Y.H., Cho J.R., Kim K.S., Jeong H.S., Yoon S.S. A study of the application of upper bound method to the CONFORM process // Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 97, 2000. – P.153-157.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 47-51

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Aborkin Artemiy Vitaljevich – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Zaharov Aleksandr Andreevich – Teacher, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Babin Dmitriy Michaylovich – Teacher, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Orekhov Oleg Pavlovich – Student, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:


Aborkin A.V., Babin D.M., Zaharov A.A., Elkin A.I. Stand development and experimental research of the process of equal channel angular pressing aluminum alloy blanks

Stand development and experimental research of the process of equal channel angular pressing aluminum alloy blanks

Aborkin A.V., Babin D.M., Zaharov A.A., Elkin A.I.

The paper deals with the issues concerning stand development and methods of carrying out experimental equal channel angular pressing AD0 aluminum alloy blanks. Research on the effect of equipment heating temperature on the energy-power costs, when pressed, is considered as well. The experimental pressing of blanks of 40 mm length and 5.5 mm square section is performed under the following process parameters: channel intersection angle Ф=120 °, channel crossing radius r=3 mm, equipment temperature θ = 20-200 ° C, pressing speed v= 10 mm/s. The experiments have provided data on the changes in power parameters pressing process. Pressing process characteristics are based on the analysis of force change chart. The blank temperature has a significant effect on the pressing force.

Keywords: equal channel angular pressing, intensive plastic deformation, energy-power costs, temperature.


  1. Valiev R.Z., Aleksandrov I.V. Bulk nanostructured metallic materials: preparation, structure and properties. – Moscow: ICC Akademkniga, 2007. – 398 p.
  2. Dobatkin S.V. Mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained aluminium alloys and potentialities of their usage // Technology of light alloys, 2011, №3. – P. 5-17.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 42-46

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Aborkin Artemiy Vitaljevich – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Babin Dmitriy Michaylovich – Teacher, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Zaharov Aleksandr Andreevich – Teacher, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Elkin Aleksey Ivanovich – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:


Sharapov R.V. Microzoning Nizhny Novgorod NPP construction site Monakovo in terms of karst hazard based on insufficient data

Microzoning Nizhny Novgorod NPP construction site Monakovo in terms of karst hazard based on insufficient data

Sharapov R.V.

The paper deals with zoning in terms of karst hazard. An approach to zoning on incomplete data is based on computational-probabilistic technique. Indicator of karst failures intensity is used as the basis for assessing karst hazard. The above-mentioned approach is used for zoning the territory intended for the nuclear power plant construction at the site of Monakovo in Nizhny Novgorod region. Due to the fact that no proper observations have been done at the site lately, the indicators of karst failures intensity have been calculated with incomplete data (obtained mainly in the last few years). The index distribution of karst failures intensity in the area under study has been mapped. The map helps to visualize the karst danger area. The analysis shows that the area intended for the nuclear power plant construction at the site of Monakovo in Nizhny Novgorod region features an extremely high rate of karst danger.

Keywords: karst, karst failure, karst failures intensity, map, zoning.


  1. Makeev Z.A. The principles of engineering geological zoning of karst regions // Moscow Conference on Karst, vol. 4. – Molotov: Publication Molotov State University, 1948.
  2. Recommendations for conducting the engineering studies, design, construction and operation of buildings and structures on karst areas of the Nizhny Novgorod region. – Nizhny Novgorod, 2012. – 139 p.
  3. Manual of geotechnical investigations in karst areas. – Moscow: PNIIIS Russian Ministry of Construction, 1995.
  4. SP 11-105-97 «Engineering geological site investigations for construction». Part II «Work in the areas of hazardous geological and geotechnical processes».
  5. Tolmachev V.V. Engineering and building development of karst territories / V.V. Tolmachev, G.M. Troitsky, V.P. Homenko; Ed. E.A. Sorochan. – Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1986. – 176 p.
  6. Tolmachev V.V. On the method of quantitative assessment of environmental factors affecting the formation of karst failures. Processing of MIIT, 1968, vol. 273.
  7. Chervjakov V.A. The concept in the field of cartography. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1978. – 149 p.
  8. Sharapov R.V. Monitoring exogenous processes // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 2. – P.39-42.
  9. Sharapov R.V. Some problems of exogenous processes monitoring // Fundamental research, 2013, № 1-2. – P. 444-447.
  10. Sharapov R.V. Indicators for monitoring and assessment of karst processes // Engineering industry and life safety, 2013, № 1. – P.28-34.
  11. Sharapov R.V. Determination of karst collapse intensity from incomplete data // Engineering industry and life safety, 2013, № 2. – P.36-40.
  12. Sharapov R.V., Kuzichkin O.R. Monitoring of Karst-Suffusion Formation in  Area of Nuclear Power Plant // Proceedings of the 7th 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS), 12-14 September 2013, Berlin, Germany. Vol. 2, 2013. – P. 810-813.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 37-41

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Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Tchaikovskaya N.V., Kuzichkin O.R., Sharapov R.V., Kuzichkina E.O. Accommodation problems of Nizhniy Novgorod NPP in Monakovo

Accommodation problems of Nizhniy Novgorod NPP in Monakovo

Tchaikovskaya N.V., Kuzichkin O.R., Sharapov R.V., Kuzichkina E.O.

The problem of the nuclear power plant construction at the site of Monakovo in Nizhny Novgorod region is characterized by high karst danger. The data on the reasons for the site selection is given. The issue of insufficient EIA study is discussed. The results of karst and suffusion processes research, conducted by the team of Murom Institute (branch) of Vladimir State University at Monakovo site, are presented as well. The results have confirmed the potential danger of the area intended for the nuclear power plant construction. The area of Monakovo nuclear power plant site is surrounded by a large number of karst displays which does not provide absolute operational safety of all necessary communications infrastructure and power blocks. The site is located on territory of possible development of extremely dangerous natural and man-made processes (1 danger level). This testifies to the fact of extremely dangerous karst processes at the site and features the excess of maximum acceptable parameters in time interval of NPP operation, which can cause a risk of natural and man-made disasters.

Keywords: karst, karst danger, nuclear power, Nizhny Novgorod NPP, EIA.


  1. Website of «Energoatom» Concern.
  2. Gvozdetskiy N.A. The nature of the world. Karst. – Moscow: Mysl, 1981. – 214 p.
  3. Movement «No nuclear power plant in Monakovo»
  4. The Report «Assessment of the impact on the environment for the Nizhny Novgorod NPP». Energoatom, 2009. – 419 p.
  5. Website of Murom Town television.
  6. Kuzichkin O.R., Tchaikovskaya N.V. Features of the organization of geodynamic monitoring of nuclear power plants in the karst areas // Proceedings of the meeting «Nizhny Novgorod NPP – addressing the energy security of the Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions». Nizhny Novgorod, 2010.
  7. TSN 22 308-98 NN «Engineering survey, design, construction and operation of buildings and structures on karst areas of Nizhny Novgorod», 1999.
  8. Kuzichkin O.R., Tchaikovskaya N.V. Research report «Execution of works on scientific and methodological support assessments of infestation area NPP and concept development organization karstological monitoring Nizhny Novgorod NPP using geophysical methods for monitoring geologic environments». – Murom: MI Vladimir State University, 2010. – 168 p.
  9. NP-064-05 «Accounting for external impacts of natural and man-made objects on the origin of the use of nuclear energy».
  10. Tolmachev V.V. Accounting karst hazard siting of the NPP in the light of regulations the Atomenergosupervision and IAEA // Proceedings of I Sergeevskiy reading. Vol.12. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Peoples Friendship University, 2010. – P. 182-185.
  11. Website of «Energoatom» Concern.
  12. Sharapov R.V., Kuzichkin O.R. Monitoring of Karst-Suffusion Formation in  Area of Nuclear Power Plant // Proceedings of the 7th 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS), 12-14 September 2013, Berlin, Germany. Vol. 2, 2013. – P. 810-813.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 27-36

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Tchaikovskaya Nina Vladimirovna – Professor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Kuzichkin Oleg Rudolfovich – Professor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Kuzichkina Evgeniya Olegovna – Student, D.Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:


Shmandiy V.M., Kotenko E.O. Noise reduction of centrifugal and axial fans

Noise reduction of centrifugal and axial fans

Shmandiy V.M., Kotenko E.O.

The paper considers the problem of reducing the aerodynamic noise of centrifugal and axial fans, which are equipped with almost all businesses. We consider now the ways to apply sound attenuation fans, shows the need for a compact and highly efficient silencer combined type. These silencers are especially needed in the absence of an enterprise of the sanitary protection zone. The design of the two types of silencers, which are patented in Ukraine and that have been tested for five years. The problems of protection from aerodynamic noise axial fans, drawn attention to the difficulty in solving this problem because you cannot install on these types of fans used silencers. A description of the newly developed soundproofing screen using the feathering. The screen does not take the wind load, keeps noise control properties in low wind, does not require a strong attachment. The screen is mounted on the roof of a building company and has shown its effectiveness.

Keywords: noise level, silencer, fan.


  1. Control of noise at work. Handbook / edited by dr. tehn. sciences, prof. E.Y. Yudin. – Moscow: Mashinostroyenie, 1985. – 393 p.
  2. Zarubin G.P., Nikitin D.P., Novikov Y.V. Environment and Health. – Moscow: Knowledge, 1972. – 210 p.
  3. Radnevo R.S. The study of infrasound in the habitat houses // Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference UNGZ MSU. – Kiev: 1999, № 2. – 112 p.
  4. Shandala M.G., Zvinyatskovskaya J.I. Environment and public health. – Kiev: Health, 1988. – 152 p.
  5. Medved R.A., Soloviev R.V. Production noise and the fight against it. – Gorkiy, 1977. –  340 p.
  6. Kucheryavy V.P. Urboekologiya. Vol. 1. – Lviv: Mir, 1999. – 359 p.
  7. Shterengarts G.Y. On the combined action of transport gases and noise // Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, 1984, № 5. – P. 40-42.
  8. Didkovskiy V.S., Akimenko V.Y., Zaporozhets O.I., Savin V.T., Tokarev V.I. Fundamentals of Acoustic Ecology. – Kirovograd: Printing Publishing Center Ltd. “Imex Ltd”, 2001. – 520 p.
  9. Khoroshev G.A., Petrov Y.I., Egorov N.F. Anti-noise fans. – Moscow: Energoizdat, 1981. – 143 p.
  10. Munin A.G., Kuznetsov V.M., Leontiev E.E. Aerodynamic noise sources. – Moscow: Mashinostroyenie, 1981. – 248 p.
  11. Faktorovich A.L., Postnikov G.I. Protection of cities from traffic noise. – Kiev: Budivelnik, 1982. – 140 p.
  12. Drahomanov B.H., Volinskiy A.A., Mіschenko A.V., Pismenniy E.M. Teplotehnіka. – Kiev: «Іnkos», 2005. – 504 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 21-26

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Shmandiy Vladimir Mikhaylovich – Professor, Kremenchug National University of Mikhail Ostrogradskiy, Kremenchug, Ukraine. E-mail:

Kotenko Elena Olegovna – Graduate student, Kremenchug National University of Mikhail Ostrogradskiy, Kremenchug, Ukraine. E-mail:


Sereda S.N. Estimation of the ecological risk with fuzzy models

Estimation of the ecological risk with fuzzy models

Sereda S.N.

This work is devoted to the system analysis of the possibility of the application of the fuzzy set and models for the estimation of the ecological risk and the system safety. Probabilistic safety analysis is widely used in system analysis for solution of practical tasks of assessment and protection of various processes and systems. In this case it uses a model of a tree incident, showing the causal relationships between the leading event (accident, catastrophe) and their basic assumptions of its occurrence. Often when predicting the safety of the newly designed objects, the values of the probabilities of the prerequisites are not known precisely due to the lack of theoretical models to assess a priori probabilities or the lack of statistic data. In addition, they can be represented interval values, or linguistic (verbal) qualitative characteristics of the background-the causes of the accidents. Therefore, the fuzzy model for evaluation of safety and environmental risk are often used. The interval description indicator of fuzzy values is both a criterion of reliability of the safety assessment. Since an increase in the interval leads to increased uncertainty probabilities, and thus to reduce the degree of reliability of the assessment. Purpose of the work is definition of the character of changes of the criterion of reliability of the changing parameters of the fuzzy set values in the model tree incident. Also the results of the analysis confirm the possibility of application of fuzzy models for the analysis of safety processes and systems at an acceptable level of confidence are given.

Keywords: the model of the system, the evidence tree, the probability of the event, fuzzy set.


  1. Aleksandrovskaya L.N., Aronov I.Z., Kruglov V.I. Safety and Reliability of technical systems. – Мoscow: Logos, 2004. – 376 p.
  2. Antonov A.V. System Analysis. Mathematical models and methods. – Obninsk: IATE, 2002. – 114 p.
  3. Belov P.G. System analysis and modeling of the dangerous processes in techosphere. – M.: Academia, 2003. – 512 p.
  4. Musichina E.A.  Time-space model of the estimation of the ecology-economical risk // Information systems and technologies, 2012, № 4. – P. 46-52.
  5. Ostreikovsky V.A. The probability analysis of the AES safety. – Moscow: Phismatlit, 2008. – 349 p.
  6. Ostreikovsky V.A., Shevchenko E.N. The risk model considering the зависимости between the probability of initial events and ущербом // Modern problems of science and education, 2012, № 4; URL:
  7. Pereezdchikov I.V. The Analysis of the dangerous of industrial systems men-mashine-environment and the defense base. – M.: CNORUS, 2011. – 784 p.
  8. RD 03-418-01. Methodical recommendations to the risk analysis of the dangerous производственных objects. Documents of interfiled application on the application of the safety engineering.  Gostechnadzor of Russia, 2001. – 20 p.
  9. Sereda S.N. The model parameters estimation of the environmental safety systems // Engineering industry and life safety,  2011, № 1. – P. 10-13.
  10. Sereda S.N. Optimization of the technological processes safety indicators // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. – P. 26-30.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 15-20

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Sereda Sergey Nikolaevich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Melkozerov V.M., Vasiliev S.I., Gorbunova L.N. Comparative analysis of polymer sorbents characteristics

Comparative analysis of polymer sorbents characteristics

Melkozerov V.M., Vasiliev S.I., Gorbunova L.N.

The paper presents the results of research and experimental-design work on creating and putting into production high-performance oil-absorbing polymer sorbents of “Unipolimer-M”and “Bio-Unipolimer” series, as well as a multi-functional composite “Menom”. Polymer sorbents of “Unipolimer-M” and “Bio-Unipolimer” series and “Menom” can be used for the localization of oil spills on water surfaces and swamps. Industrial wastewater treatment plants use them for fine cleaning water and industrial wastewater of oil products at car wash sites, steaming stations, oil depots and repair facilities. The above-mentioned sorbents are applied for rapid absorption and neutralization of spills of flammable, volatile and, first of all, highly toxic liquids. Polymer sorbents of “Unipolimer-M” and “Bio-Unipolimer” series and “Menom” do not cause ecological imbalance in the ecosystem and do not produce a negative effect on the biotypes of different trophic levels.

Keywords: oil, oil products, polymer sorbents, hydrosphere cleaning, soil reclamation.


  1. Arzhanov S.P., Vasiliev S.I., Gorbunova L.N. Safety in the oil and gas complex. − Krasnoyarsk: IPK SFU, 2008. − 519 p.
  2. Melkozerov M.G., Vasiliev S.I., Batutina V.M. Protection of the environment and environmental management. – Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University Press; Polytechnical University, 2007. – 198 p.
  3. Melkozerov V.M., Melkozerov M.G. Advanced materials technology design economy. – Krasnoyarsk, 2005. – P. 23-28.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 10-14

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Melkozerov Vladimir Maksimovich – Engineer, Center for training and development professionals and managers of oil and gas business, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Vasiliev Sergey Ivanovich – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Grigorjuk E.N. Estimation of the model ventilation system parameters for industrial premises

Estimation of the model ventilation system parameters for industrial premises

Grigorjuk E.N.

With advances in technical progress, the impact of human activities on the environment is becoming more and more devastating. Nowadays, people are suffering from negative effects of various physical and chemical factors. One of the most serious problems of modern manufacturing companies is poor air quality inside the industrial premises. Specialists have discovered more than a thousand of toxic substances so far, which may negatively affect the state of health of workmen and cause dangerous diseases. Thereupon, the issue of ensuring industrial and ecological safety of manufacturing companies has become very acute. The paper considers the way of designing a model ventilation system for industrial premises using Simulink simulation environment in Matlab complex. The model experiment and the estimation of dynamic indicators are under way.

Keywords: model experiment, ventilation system, system model.


  1. Ananev V.A., Balueva L.N., Galperin A.D. Ventilation and conditioning systems. Theory and Practice. – Moscow: Evroklimat, 2001. – 416 p.
  2. Antimonov S.V., Solovyh S.Y., Vasilevska S.P. Types of ventilation and method of calculation of ventilation in rooms: Guidelines on the course ventilation systems – Orenburg: OSU, 2003. – 21 p.
  3. Peregoudov V.F., Tarasenko V.P. Introduction to systems analysis. – Moscow: Nauka, 1989.
  4. Sovetov B.Y, Yakovlev S.A. Modeling of systems. – Moscow: Higher School, 2001. – 343 p.
  5. Sereda S.N. The model parameters estimation of the environmental safety systems // Engineering industry and life safety,  2011, № 1. – P. 10-13.
  6. Belov P.G. Modeling of dangerous processes in the technosphere. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Civil Defence Emergency Situations Ministry, 1999. – 124 p.
  7. Teriokhin V.V. Modeling in MATLAB system: Study Guide – Novokuznetsk: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2004. – 376 p.
  8. Semchenok M.S., Semchenok N.M. The Matlab system. Part 1: Textbook. – St. Petersburg: Pub. SPbGUKIT, 2004. – 140 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 5-9

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Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Telkov I.A. Self-oscillatory movement of the indenter in the direction of the velocity at the surface plastic deformation

Self-oscillatory movement of the indenter in the direction of the velocity at the surface plastic deformation

Telkov I.A.

The article gives a simplified description of the mechanism of self-oscillating displacement of the indenter in the direction of the velocity at the surface plastic deformation.

Keywords: self-oscillation, wave, stability.


  1. Telkov I.V. Improving the design of tools for processing viscous ductile metals by surface plastic deformation // Engineering industry and life safety, 2010, № 7. – P. 147-149.
  2. Telkov I.V. Regular component of the profile of the roughness after superficial plastic deformation // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. – P. 73-76
  3. Chepa P.A., Andriashin V.A. Operational properties of hardened parts. – Mn.: Science and Technology, 1988. – 192 p.
  4. Smeljanskiy V.M. Mechanical surface layer hardening of machine parts in processes of surface plastic deformation. – Moskow: MASHMIR, 1992. – 60 p.
  5. Markovets M.P. The mechanical properties of metal hardness. – Moskow: Mashinostroenie, 1979. – 191 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 73-76

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Telkov Ivan Anatoljevich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: