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Сообщения, помеченные ‘№4 (18) 2013’


Kalinichenko M.V. Some aspects of the resonance absorbers employment in urban areas

Some aspects of the resonance absorbers employment in urban areas

Kalinichenko M.V.

The paper presents possible provisions used to reduce acoustic-noise load on urban areas residents. The issues of applying noise-control options like sound-absorbing and soundproofing screens as well as resonance absorbers are considered. Calculation options of some key parameters for sound-absorbing devices are presented. According to the results of laboratory studies of resonator sound-absorbing properties effectiveness we can say that silencing polyharmonic resonators turn out to be the most effective ones. It is possible to design a resonator with sufficient uniform acoustic-frequency response that provides sound absorption either across the range or across the noise maximum intensity range. The most viable option to use such a resonator is its combination with an acoustic screen by assembling them into a single unit. In this case, the protective functions performed by the screen will be complemented by the absorption of the incident sound wave on the screen which will reduce the level of the reflected signal.

Keywords: noise, noise pollution, soundproofing screen, resonance absorber.


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  4. Ivanov N.I., Semenov N.G., Tyurina N.V. Acoustic screens to reduce noise in residential areas // Supplement to «Safety life», 2012, № 4.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 18-24

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Kalinichenko Marina Valerjevna – Teacher, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Ermolaeva V.A. The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition

The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition

Ermolaeva V.A.

The paper considers the process of contact pressure welding as a source of industrial and environmental haz-ards. It analyzes the technological process impact on the environment. Production hazardous and harmful fac-tors are identified. Welding fume composition is analyzed. The paper presents the calculation of total and max-imum single pollutant emissions as well as the comparison of the actual emission values and MPE. The distance from the emission source, where ground-level pollutant concentration reaches its maximum value, is calculated. Pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere is calculated. MPC maximum-one-time excess of manganese, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide is determined. The main types of dust collection devices and their application are analyzed. The choice of the possible methods for cleaning polluted air is reasoned. It is advisable to develop a local ventilation system and to clean dusty gas mixture through the electrostatic filter.

Keywords: contact welding, diffusion of pollutants.


  1. Ermolaeva V.A., Kozikova I.V. Calculation of theoretically necessary thickness of a layer and volume of the catalyst for clearing of gas emissions of difficult structure // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. − P.4-7.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 12-17

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Ermolaeva Vera Anatoljevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Grigorjuk E.N. Application of empirical methods of scientific knowledge in the development of production safety management systems

Application of empirical methods of scientific knowledge in the development of production safety management systems

Grigorjuk E.N.

Man occupies one of the most important places in the world not because he is at the «top» of the evolutionary process, but because a person may be a factor of «directability» or «controllability» of development, wherein heading the latter towards growing stability. The rapid technosphere development increases the possibility of uncontrolled energy emissions that can result in accidents and technospheric disasters, leading in turn to injuries, occupational diseases and mortality. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technological process management system, which purpose and motivation are forecasting and identification of possible deviations, as well as reducing the accident probability. This paper discusses the possibility of designing a model of risk management system and building a management system for complex production process by means of empirical methods of scientific knowledge in order to reduce the possibility of man-made hazards.

Keywords: empirical methods of scientific knowledge, a model experiment, research procedures, safety.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 5-11

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Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Engineering industry and life safety. №4 (18), 2013


Grigorjuk E.N.
Application of empirical methods of scientific knowledge in the development of production safety management systems
Ermolaeva V.A.
The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition
Kalinichenko M.V.
Some aspects of the resonance absorbers employment in urban areas
Sereda S.N.
Analysis of efficiency of the ecological risk reduction methods
Dorofeev N.V., Orekhov A.A., Romanov R.V.
Correction algorithm of geodynamic monitoring system probing signal
Dorofeev N.V., Orekhov A.A., Romanov R.V.
Effectiveness evaluation of automated environmental groundwater monitoring system
Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V.
Formation of water bodies quality criterion in geoelectric monitoring method
Sharapov R.V.
On the conformity of monitoring data obtained from various sources
Sharapov R.V.
Conformity algorithm for exogenous processes monitoring data
Ermoshenko Y.V., Bolshakov R.S., Kaimov E.V.
Dynamic response in the vibration-protection system assessment
Kokoreva O.G., Shlapak L.S.
Metallographic study results in static-pulsed hardening of heavy duty machine parts surfaces
Lazutkin S.L., Lazutkina N.A.
The research of the static-dynamic well formation process
Fabrichniy D.Y., Tolengutova M. M., Fabrichniy Y.F.
Automatic adjustment systems for hydraulic impact machines according to the tool load