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Romanov R.V., Kuzichkin O.R. Application of geo-electric sounding methods for geo-environmental water monitoring in decentralized local water supply systems

Application of geo-electric sounding methods for geo-environmental water monitoring in decentralized local water supply systems

Romanov R.V., Kuzichkin O.R.

Nowadays, monitoring and assessment of drinking water quality is one of the major issues in providing and maintaining ecological safety in cities and settlements. It is especially important in settlements and areas where water supply systems are not centralized. The purpose of this work is to use geo-electrical monitoring multifrequency methods intended to inspect both surface and underground waters in local geo-environmental monitoring of decentralized water supply systems. The basic geo-electric model in points of geo-environmental water monitoring is chosen. Mineralization and electrical conductivity vary over a wide range therefore it is advisable to use a multilayered model of a geological section. The rule of thumb, it is a two-layer conducting semi-space model, which describes well the monitoring process of the top aquifer. To monitor the parameters of the top aquifers, a multifrequency vertical electrical sounding (MFVES) method is chosen.
Keywords: decentralized water supply systems, environmental monitoring, geo-electric methods, groundwater.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (21), 2014. Pages: 35-38

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Romanov Roman Vyacheslavovich – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia.E-mail:

Kuzichkin Oleg Rudolfovich – Prefessor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: