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Bulkin V.V., Solovjev L.P., Sharapov R.V., Pervushin R.V., Kirillov I.N. The problems of creating monitoring systems for acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

The problems of creating monitoring systems for acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

Bulkin V.V., Solovjev L.P., Sharapov R.V., Pervushin R.V., Kirillov I.N.

Noise pollution of residential areas is becoming an increasingly serious problem. Continuous growth in automotive transport intensity, construction and industrial sites in the urban environment lead to the fact that the acoustic discomfort zone in modern cities covers up to 50 % of their territory. It is urgent to monitor acoustic noise pollution in residential areas as well as predict possible noise propagation deep into residential areas. Besides acoustic noise of the audible range, infrasound and ultrasonic waves aggravate noise pollution. When predicting acoustic noise propagation, it is necessary to consider the local meteorological parameters for specific areas of urban environment. Thus, the task of creating automatic combined monitoring systems is becoming extremely important. Noise propagation prediction can be provided by means of geographic information systems. The paper analyzes the known and possible approaches and tools for solving the problem of efficient noise pollution monitoring of residential areas.

Keywords: acoustic noise, meteorological parameters, infrasound, visualization, measuring system.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 48-54

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Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Pervushin Radislav Valentinovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University. E-mail:
Kirillov Ivan Nikolaevich – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N. Estimating the meteorological parameters impact on the propagation distance of acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

Estimating the meteorological parameters impact on the propagation distance of acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N.

Acoustic noise pollution of residential areas is becoming an increasingly serious problem. The analysis of possible noise propagation deep into residential areas is to be carried out both on the basis of noise spectral characteristics and the existing peak noise signals as well as the average or local meteorological conditions prevailing in the area. The paper analyzes possible signal attenuation ratio variation for different frequencies when changing the basic meteorological parameters such as ambient temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. The simulation results are presented as graphs. Temperature changes effect signal attenuation at most: within 30 to −20оC range, signal attenuation value can be increased from 29.4 dB/km up to 170.5 dB/km.

Keywords: acoustic noise, acoustic signal attenuation, frequency, temperature, humidity, pressure.


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  2. Bulkin V.V., Belyaev V.E., Kirillov I.N. Model’ passivno-aktivnoj akustolokaci-onnoj jekologo-meteorologicheskoj sistemy [Model of passive-active acoustic radar ecological and meteorological systems] // Proektirovanie i tehnologija jelektronnyh sredstv [Design and technology of electronic media], 2011, № 1. – P.16-19.
  3. Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N., Belyaev V.E. Passivnyj kanal passivno-aktivnoj sistemy monitoringa urbanizirovannogo prostranstva [Passive channel passive-active system monitoring urbanized space] // Radiotehnicheskie i telekommunikacionnye sistemy [Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems], № 4, 2012. – P.47-51.
  4. Kirillov I.N., Kalinichenko M.V., Panova M.S. O tochnosti analiza akusticheskih shumov v urbanizirovannom prostranstve [On the accuracy of the analysis of acoustic noise in an urban space] // II Vserossijskie Armandovskie chtenija: Radiofizicheskie metody v distancionnom zondirovanii sred / Materialy V Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii [II All-Russian Armand reading: Radiophysical methods in remote sensing environments / Proceedings of the V Scientific Conference] (Murom, 26-28 June, 2012). – Murom: MI VlSU, 2012. – P. 418 -421.
  5. Kirillov I.N., Bulkin V.V. Nekotorye rezul’taty primenenija passivnogo kanala passivno-aktivnoj sistemy monitoringa urbanizirovannogo prostranstva [Some results of the passive channel passive-active system monitoring urbanized space] // III Vserossijskie Armandovskie chtenija: Sverhshirokopolosnye signaly v radiolokacii, svjazi i akustike / Materialy IV Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii [III All-Russian Armand reading: Superwideband signals in radar, communications and acoustics / Proceedings of the IV All-Russian Scientific Conference] (Murom, 25-27 June 2013 ). – Murom: MI VlSU, 2013. –P.249-253.
  6. Kirillov I.N., Bulkin V.V. Matematicheskaja model’ vlijanija faktorov okruzhajushhej sredy na rasprostranenie shuma v atmosfere [Mathematical model of environmental factors on the distribution of noise in the atmosphere] // Nauka i obrazovanie v razvitii promysh-lennoj, social’noj i jekonomicheskoj sfer regionov Rossii.VI Vserossijskie nauchnye Zvorykinskie chtenija [Science and education in the development of industrial, social and economic spheres regions Russia. Proceedings of the VI All-Russian scientific Zvorykin reading]. (Murom, February 7, 2014). – Murom: MI VlSU, 2014. – P.329-330.
  7. GOST R 53188.1-2008. Shumomery. Chast’ 1. Tehnicheskie trebovanija [Sound Level Meters. Part 1. Technical requirements]. – Moscow: Standartinform, 2009. – 32 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 5-9

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Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Kirillov Ivan Nikolaevich – Post-graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N. An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom

An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom

Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N.

An analysis of the impact of the distribution of wind flows on the nature of the possible pollution enterprises in Murom area. It is shown that there is a risk not only the transmission of air pollutants in residential areas, but also education sluggish.

Keywords: wind flow, chemical industry, contamination.


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  5. Shugaeva T.Y., Bulkin A.V., Kiselev N.F., Bulkin V.V. The nature of some of the parameters of the synoptic atmospheric boundary layer // Methods and apparatus information transmission and processing. Issue 8, 2007. – P.55-60.
  6. Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V. The distribution of wind flow in an urban space as an element of environmental monitoring // Engineering industry and life safety, 2008, № 5. – P.14-20.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 16-19

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Bulkin Alexey Vladislavovich – Head of Laboratory nondestructive testing CJSC “MuromEnergoMash”, postgraduate student, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Professor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: