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Сообщения, помеченные ‘Determination of thermophysical properties of construction and insulation materials in buildings for energy audits by means of nondestructive control’


Fokin V.M., Kovylin A.V. Determination of thermophysical properties of construction and insulation materials in buildings for energy audits by means of nondestructive control

Determination of thermophysical properties of construction and insulation materials in buildings for energy audits by means of nondestructive control

Fokin V.M., Kovylin A.V.

Today energy saving has become an urgent issue connected with the rational usage and saving of global natural resources. Problems of energy saving and reduction of heat loss in the environment produce a significant effect on technical and economic performance, as well as on capital expenditures of operated buildings. Actual protection properties of buildings may change in the course of their operation and fail to meet the certification requirements. The same thermophysical protection properties (thermal conductivity coefficient – λ; thermal diffusivity coefficient – a; volumetric heat capacity – сρ; heat absorption coefficient – B) significantly affect heat and air regime when exploiting different-purpose buildings, as well as energy-consuming heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Therefore, one of the most important current issues is to find and create methods that are energy-saving, accurate, reliable and easy to implement. They will help determine thermophysical properties of external protection of operated buildings.

Keywords: energy saving method, external building protection, non-destructive testing, thermal properties, thermal conductivity coefficient, thermal diffusivity coefficient, volumetric heat capacity.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 20-23

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Fokin Vladimir Mikhailovich – Professor, Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Volgograd, Russia. E-mail:

Kovylin Andrey Vasiljevich – Ph.D., Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Volgograd, Russia. E-mail: