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Сообщения, помеченные ‘Ensuring aircraft safety in potential icing conditions’


Pervushin R.V. Ensuring aircraft safety in potential icing conditions

Ensuring aircraft safety in potential icing conditions

Pervushin R.V.

The paper presents a comparative analysis on identifying groups of meteorological parameters to assess their informational content on the state of the atmosphere in aircraft icing. For the effective remote detection of potential aircraft icing areas it is necessary to upgrade the existing board (active) meteorological radars. Estimating the effectiveness of the resulting passive-active system and the method of detecting dangerous areas is performed by reducing the uncertainty in the transition from one system to another. Entropy is used while assessing the level of uncertainty. The choice of processing algorithm of joint radiometric and radar system for remote detection of aircraft potential icing areas is reasoned. Discriminant functions serve as the basis of the algorithm for icing areas detection. Their relative characteristics are given. The application of non-linear discriminant function to detect icing areas is offered.

Keywords: aircraft, flight safety, weather conditions, aircraft icing, joint radiometric and radar systems, JRRS, discriminant function, the algorithm accuracy, detection efficiency.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 9-12

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Pervushin Radislav Valentinovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: