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Сообщения, помеченные ‘Ermolaeva V.A.’


Ermolaeva V.A. The system of cleaning the air from welding fumes

The system of cleaning the air from welding fumes

Ermolaeva V.A.

The paper presents the process of resistance welding as a source of occupational and environmental hazards. The excess amount of single-time maximum MAC of manganese, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, making up the welding fumes, is identified. It is advisable to replace general ventilation with a small-sized flexible system of local exhaust ventilation. The main types of dust collection devices and their application are analyzed. The choice of the given cleaning method is reasoned. The waste gas dust-air mixture should be cleaned by an electrostatic precipitator built into the local ventilation system. The calculation of electrostatic gas purification level and the efficiency of the given ventilation system are given. The selection and calculation of additional equipment (including fans and ductwork) are completed. The payment plan for air pollutant emission is presented, as well as the economic analysis of systems providing production and environmental safety.

Keywords: resistance welding, local exhaust ventilation, electrostatic precipitator.


  1. Ermolaeva V.A., Kozikova I.V. Raschet teoreticheski neobhodimoj tolshhiny sloja i ob#ema katalizatora dlja ochistki gazovyh vybrosov slozhnogo sostava [Calculation of theoretically necessary thickness of a layer and volume of the catalyst for clearing of gas emissions of difficult structure] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2011, № 1. − P.4-7
  2. Bebneva S.I., Ermolaeva V.A. Problemy proizvodstvennoj bezopasnosti tehnologicheskogo processa poluchenija kisloroda iz vozduha [The problems of industrial process safety production of oxygen from the air] // Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija [Advances in current natural sciences], 2011, № 7. − P.78.
  3. Ermolaeva V.A. Vlijanie tehnologicheskogo processa kontaktnoj svarki na sostav atmosfernogo vozduha [The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition]// Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2013, № 4. − P.12-17.
  4. Kochev A.G. Ventiljacija promyshlennyh zdanij i sooruzhenij [Ventilation of industrial buildings] − Nizhny Novgorod: NNGASU Edition, 2011.
  5. Universal’nye jelektrostaticheskie fil’try JeFVA dlja ulavlivanija svarochnyh i masljanyh ajerozolej [Department EFVA electrostatic filters for trapping and welding an oil aerosols] /

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (20), 2014. Pages: 5-9

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Ermolaeva Vera Anatoljevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Ermolaeva V.A. The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition

The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition

Ermolaeva V.A.

The paper considers the process of contact pressure welding as a source of industrial and environmental haz-ards. It analyzes the technological process impact on the environment. Production hazardous and harmful fac-tors are identified. Welding fume composition is analyzed. The paper presents the calculation of total and max-imum single pollutant emissions as well as the comparison of the actual emission values and MPE. The distance from the emission source, where ground-level pollutant concentration reaches its maximum value, is calculated. Pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere is calculated. MPC maximum-one-time excess of manganese, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide is determined. The main types of dust collection devices and their application are analyzed. The choice of the possible methods for cleaning polluted air is reasoned. It is advisable to develop a local ventilation system and to clean dusty gas mixture through the electrostatic filter.

Keywords: contact welding, diffusion of pollutants.


  1. Ermolaeva V.A., Kozikova I.V. Calculation of theoretically necessary thickness of a layer and volume of the catalyst for clearing of gas emissions of difficult structure // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. − P.4-7.
  2. Ermolaeva V.A. Theoretical bases of process of crushing by manufacture of medical products // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. − P.14-16.
  3. Bebneva S.I., Ermolaeva V.A. The problems of industrial process safety production of oxygen from the air // Advances in current natural sciences, 2011, № 7. − P.78.
  4. Kozikova I.V., Ermolaeva V.A. The use of a catalytic method of neutralization of organic impurities in gas emissions of complex composition // Advances in current natural sciences, 2011, № 7. − P. 123.
  5. Free document library //
  6. Building portal //

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 12-17

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Ermolaeva Vera Anatoljevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Sidorova D.S., Ermolaeva V.A. Assessing the impact of deironing station of drinking water on the environment

Assessing the impact of deironing station of drinking water on the environment

Sidorova D.S., Ermolaeva V.A.

The paper deals with the problem of environmental pollution and environmental safety and the ways to reduce the negative impact. The basis for estimating the environmental impact is specified. The forms and sources of the impact of the technical object (deironing station of drinking water) on the ecological and social environment are analyzed. The physical and geographical features of the object location are given. The scheme of waste collection, treatment and disposal is considered. The number of waste fluorescent lamps, oil contaminated cloths, packaging paper waste, polyethylene and other solid waste is estimated. The infrastructure of the object under research is considered. The impact of the considered object on the social and ecological environment is assessed. A number of ways to ensure regulatory environment are designed.

Keywords: deironing station of drinking water, the impact on the environment, waste.


  1. Kozikova I.V., Ermolaeva V.A. The use of a catalytic method of neutralization of organic impurities in gas emissions of complex composition // Advances in current natural sciences, 2011, № 7. − P. 123.
  2. Ermolaeva V.A., Kozikova I.V.  Calculation of theoretically necessary thickness of a layer and volume of the catalyst for clearing of gas emissions of difficult structure // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. − P.4-7.
  3. Ermolaeva V.A. Questions of ecological safety of technological process of preparation of medical weights and ointments // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. − P.9-13.
  4. Ermolaeva V.A., Petrova E. Selection of efficient treatment of gaseous emissions as part of environmental safety // Modern high technologies, 2008, № 2. − P.38.
  5. Ermolaeva V.A. Possibility of increasing the efficiency of the plant iron removal drinking water // Life Safety, 2011, № 11 (131). − P. 24-30.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 17-21

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Sidorova Diana Sergeevna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Ermolaeva Vera Anatoljevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Ermolaeva V.A. Measures to reduce noise pollution in the technological process of threading

Measures to reduce noise pollution in the technological process of threading

Ermolaeva V.A.

The paper gives a detailed analysis of technological process of threading pipes and characteristics of the production equipment. It presents identification and analysis of the occupational and environmental hazards and dangerous substances generated by the manufacturing process. Industrial noise and vibration levels have been estimated, their meanings being compared with the normative data. The system of occupational and environmental safety at the site has been developed as well as the system against the above-mentioned negative factors. In order to reduce the level of noise it is advisable to side the walls with semi-soft acoustic plates. The noise reduction value is determined through the application of sound-absorbing cladding. The potential risk of traumatic situations and occupational disease is reduced as well as significant effects of working conditions on workers’ health. The economic analysis of security management system under consideration has been conducted.

Keywords: noise pollution, technological process, sound-absorbing materials.


  1. Kozikova I.V., Ermolaeva V.A. The use of a catalytic method of neutralization of organic impurities in gas emissions of complex composition // Advances in current natural sciences, 2011, № 7. − P. 123.
  2. Ermolaeva V.A., Petrova E. Selection of efficient treatment of gaseous emissions as part of environmental safety // Modern high technologies, 2008, № 2. − P.38.
  3. Ermolaeva V.A., Kozikova I.V.  Calculation of theoretically necessary thickness of a layer and volume of the catalyst for clearing of gas emissions of difficult structure // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. − P.4-7.
  4. Ermolaeva V.A. Theoretical bases of process of crushing by manufacture of medical products // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. − P.14-16.
  5. Bebneva S.I., Ermolaeva V.A. The problems of industrial process safety production of oxygen from the air // Advances in current natural sciences, 2011, № 7. − P.78.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 4-8

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Ermolaeva Vera Anatoljevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: