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Grigoryuk E.N. The function of simulation in the monitoring system of a complex technological process

The function of simulation in the monitoring system of a complex technological process

Grigoryuk E.N.

The paper presents the monitoring system for a complex process of a closed-type manufacture. According to the patents, cap-igniter manufacturing process aiming at the development of a simulation model is described. The simulation process is completed by means of Simulink computer program in Matlab complex. The simulation model is designed to minimize damage from unwanted energy emissions at the most troublesome area from the point of view of technosphere security, and thus it is of great economic value to the manufacturer. Simulation makes it possible to detect the negative aspects of the manufacturing process, affecting both technical staff and the environment of the region, as well as to develop a program for reducing the risk and achieving economic benefits. The information under consideration is an attempt to define the function of simulation for the monitoring system of a complex technological process.
Keywords: economic effect, a complete technological cycle, management system, a technological process, material and energy resources, a simulation model, event probability, an accident tree.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (21), 2014. Pages: 5-12

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Grigoryuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: