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Сообщения, помеченные ‘Kokoreva O.G.’


Kokoreva O.G. The effect of plastic deformation rate and stressed state scheme on the primary metal recrystallization

The effect of plastic deformation rate and stressed state scheme on the primary metal recrystallization

Kokoreva O.G.

The paper presents the research results on the effect of plastic deformation rate and the stressed state scheme on the primary metal recrystallization. The dependence of metal microstructure on the surface plastic deformation rate and the stressed state scheme is the major factor in identifying the mechanical properties of metals in general, especially when heating metals after their plastic deformation. Classical methods of x-ray and microstructure analysis are used. According to the obtained results, recrystallization rate is reduced as a result of prior metal hardening, the value of which is estimated according to the degree of strain depending on the stressed state scheme. The quantitative estimate of critical characteristics is completed by means of both X-ray and structural analysis of experimental metal samples. The recrystallization rate of metals decreases in their pre-hardening.
Keywords: plastic deformation, stress state, metal recrystallization, hardening, mechanical properties, microstructure, X-ray analysis, the crystal lattice, tension, compression.


  1. Gorelik S.S. Rekristallizacija metallov i splavov [Recrystallization of metals and alloys]. – Moscow: Mettalurgia, 1967, 403 p.
  2. Iveronova V.I., Zhdanov G.S. K teorii otdyha i rekristallizacii [On the theory of relaxation and recrystallization] // Rentgenografija v primenenii k issledovaniju metallov [Radiography in the application to the study of metals]. – Moscow: ONTI, NKTP, 1936.
  3. Zasimchuk E.O., Larikov L.N. Linejnaja skorost’ centrov rekristallizacii v sil’no deformirovannyh nikele i zheleze [The linear velocity of the center of recrystallization in heavily deformed nickel and iron] // Doklady AN SSSR [Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences], 1959, №1.
  4. Bolshanina M.A., Panin V.E. Skrytaja jenergija deformacii [Latent energy of deformation] // Issledovanie po fizike tverdogo tela [The research in solid state physics]. – Moscow, 1957.
  5. Jepshtejn G.N., Notkin A.B. Osobennosti rekristallizacii nikelja posle vysokoskorostnoj deformacii pod davleniem [Properties after recrystallization nickel high deformation under pressure] // Fizika metallov i metallovedenie [The Physics of Metals and Metallography], 1971, vol.32, Issue 4.
  6. Atroshhenko O.S., Pashkov P.O., Rjadinskaja I.M. Issledovanie uprochnennogo vzryvom armko-Fe. [The study reinforced the explosion of Armco-Fe] // Fizika metallov i metallovedenie [The Physics of Metals and Metallography], 1966, vol.21, Issue 1.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (21), 2014. Pages: 69-72

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Kokoreva Olga Grigorjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Kokoreva O.G. The research on wave propagation in a plastic sample based on the plastic flow theory

The research on wave propagation in a plastic sample based on the plastic flow theory

Kokoreva O.G.

The paper presents the research results on mechanical properties of materials under pulsed loads. The effect of dynamic loads in technological processes of part surface plastic flow (deformation) is considered. The relation-ship of strength analysis to the strain rate under pulsed loads is given. Plastic wave propagation process in a metal sample is discussed. The part surface stress state mechanism under pulse loads is described. Calculation results analysis of dynamic strength material characteristics, using the theory of strain and stress wave propaga-tion, is performed. The sample movement equation under the plastic flow theory is given. The paper presents accurate results on determining mechanical properties of materials under dynamic loads, following the flow and strain wave propagation. Wave propagation in solids is described by means of gap functions propagation and their derivatives.

Keywords: dynamic loads; strength characteristics; deformation; voltage; sample; movement equation; wave processes; mechanical properties.


  1. Kukudzhanov V.N. Rasprostranenie cilindricheskih udarnyh voln naprjazhenija v plastinke za predelom tekuchesti [Propagation of cylindrical shock wave in a plate beyond the yield stress] // Proceedings of MIPT, 1959, № 3.
  2. Kurant R. Uravnenija s chastnymi proizvodnymi [Partial Differential Equations]. – Moscow: Mir, 1964.
  3. Fridriche K., Kurant R.Sverhzvukovoe techenie i udarnye volny [Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves]. – Moscow: Il, 1950.
  4. Nadeeva R.I. Ob opredelenii dinamicheskoj zavisimosti mezhdu naprjazhenijami i deformacijami [On the determination of the dynamic relationship between stress and strain] // Vestnik MSU, 1953, №10.
  5. Orlenko L.P. Povedenie materialov pri intensivnyh dinamicheskih nagruzkah [Behavior of materials under intense dynamic loads]. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1964.
  6. Pavlenko A.L. Prjamoj udar po gibkoj plastine telom vrashhenija zadannogo profilja [Direct blow to the flexible plate body rotation given profile] // Dissertation Research Institute of Mechanics and Mathematics MSU, 1952.
  7. Polovtseva V.S. Ob jeksperimental’nom issledovanii normal’nogo udara po gibkoj membrane [An experimental investigation of the normal impact on a flexible membrane] //Vestnik MSU, 1967, №6.
  8. Rabotnikov Y.N. Moscow: Fizmatgiz, 1962.
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  10. Smirnov V.I. Kurs vysshej matematiki [Course of Higher Mathematics], vol.IV. – Moscow: Gostechteorizdat, 1951.
  11. Sokolov L.D. Soprotivlenie metallov plasticheskoj deformacii[Resistance to plastic deformation of metals]. – Moscow: Metallurgizdat, 1963.
  12. Tomas T. Plasticheskoe techenie i razrushenie v tverdyh telah[Plastic flow and fracture in solids]. – Moscow: Mir, 1964.
  13. Freudenthal A., Geiringer H.Matematicheskie teorii neuprugoj sploshnoj sredy [Mathematical theory of inelastic continuous media]. –Moscow: Fizmatgiz, 1962.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (20), 2014. Pages: 69-73

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Kokoreva Olga Grigorjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Kokoreva O.G., Shlapak L.S. Metallographic study results in static-pulsed hardening of heavy duty machine parts surfaces

Metallographic study results in static-pulsed hardening of heavy duty machine parts surfaces

Kokoreva O.G., Shlapak L.S.

The paper presents the results of microstructural studies as a comparative quantitative analysis of sample microsections produced of 110G13L steel grade and hardened by the static-pulsed treatment. The research was done at the central laboratory of «Murom Switch Works». The grain size is determined in accordance with GOST 5639-82 standard values. A quantitative assessment of sample microstructure characteristics depending on the static-pulsed mode hardening is presented. Microstructure grain size dynamics on the sample hardened surface depth is considered. Microstructural study confirming theoretical hypotheses within the surface hardening mechanism development by means of the surface-plastic technique is performed. Structural changes mechanism in the samples produced of HMS in static-pulsed treatment is studied. The research proves that the reason for hardening is austenite grain fragmentation into smaller blocks and grain twinning.

Keywords: microstructure, grain size, heavy-loaded surface static-pulse treatment, surface hardening, durability, depth of the hardened layer.


  1. Kirichek A.V., Kokoreva O.G., Lazutkin A.G., Soloviev D.L. Static-pulse treatment and equipment for its implementation // STIN, 1999, № 6. – P. 20-24.
  2. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L. Ways of strengthening the dynamic surface plastic deformation // Forging and stamping production, 2001, № 7. – P. 28-32.
  3. Smelyanskiy V.M. Mechanical hardening of surface plastic deformation. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 2002. – 300 p.
  4. Lazutkin A.G., Kokoreva O.G. Strengthening and shaping surfaces static-pulse processing // Precision technology and transport systems: Proceeding of the Internetional scientific and engineering Conference – Penza, 1998. Part 2. – P. 124-126.
  5. Kokoreva O.G. Technological opportunities static-pulse processing // Engineering technique, 2001, № 2. – P. 12-15.
  6. Kokoreva O.G. Results investigations of heavy-duty surfaces, hardened static-pulse method // Bulletin of mechanical engineering, 2010, № 3.
  7. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L., Lazutkin A.G. Technology and equipment to static-width surface treatment of plastic deformation. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 2004.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 63-66

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Kokoreva Olga Grigorjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Shlapak Lyudmila Sergeevna – Teacher, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Kokoreva O.G. Increase of durability of heavy-duty machine parts of surfaces static-pulse treatment

Increase of durability of heavy-duty machine parts of surfaces static-pulse treatment

Kokoreva O.G.

Offered for practical use in production the new method of statiс-pulse hardening of hard loaded surfaces has a number of essential advantages in comparison with applied now. Distinctive feature of a method is the combination of static and dynamic processes of processing as a result of which necessary qualities of a blanket of a processed detail, and as necessary hardness and residual tension of compression are provided. This way of hardening is one of more effective, energy saving and easily realized in production. Static-pulsed hardening increases the number of controlled design, tuning, and technological factors that affect the result of hardening. As a result, the static-pulse processing provides reduced surface roughness, increased wear resistance and hardness of the surface layer by increasing the depth of hardening and changes in the microstructure of the metal. For the static-pulsed hardening is characterized by high performance and low cost compared with heat treatment and explosion.

Keywords: static-pulse treatment, hardening the surface, quality characteristics of the surface layer, reliability, durability.


  1. Balter M.A. Hardening of parts of machinery. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1974. – 136 p.
  2. Kirichek A.V., Kokoreva O.G., Lazutkin A.G., Soloviev D.L. Static-pulse treatment and equipment for its implementation // STIN. 1999, № 6. – P. 20-24.
  3. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L. Ways of strengthening the dynamic surface plastic deformation // Forging and stamping production, 2001, № 7. – P. 28-32.
  4. Smelyansky V.M. Mechanical hardening of surface plastic deformation. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 2002. – 300 p.
  5. Lazutkin A.G., Kokoreva O.G. Strengthening and shaping surfaces static-pulse processing // Precision technology and transport systems: Proceedings of the International scientific and engineering Conference – Penza, 1998. Part 2. – P. 124-126.
  6. Lazutkin A.G. Appointment of technological regimes static-pulse treatment // Designing technological machines, Vol. 12. – M: Moscow State Technical University «Stankin», 1998. – P. 85-88.
  7. Kokoreva O.G. Technological opportunities static-pulse processing // Engineering technique, 2011, № 2. – P. 12-15.
  8. Kokoreva O.G. Results investigations of heavy-duty surfaces, hardened static-pulse method // Bulletin of mechanical engineering, 2010, № 3.
  9. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L. Lazutkin A.G. Technology and equipment to static-width surface treatment of plastic deformation. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 2004.
  10. Kokoreva O.G. Production tests hardening core crosses switches static-pulse method // Second Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists «The Future Engineering of Russia». – M.: MGTU Bauman, 2009.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 64-68

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Kokoreva Olga Grigorjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: