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Pervukhin L.B., Kryukov D.B., Krivenkov A.O., Chugunov S.N., Kazantsev I.A., Guskov M.S. Future application of high-energy impact methods for the development of a specified set of mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials

Future application of high-energy impact methods for the development of a specified set of mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials

Pervukhin L.B., Kryukov D.B., Krivenkov A.O., Chugunov S.N., Kazantsev I.A., Guskov M.S.

The paper considers the importance of developing a complex technology of high energy effect on the components of composite materials in their manufacture. The paper proves that the most promising technology is the one based on the use of explosion welding and micro-arc oxidation, providing the specified composite material structure and properties. The major advantages of explosion welding for producing composite metallic materials, compared to other methods of composite manufacture, are presented. Under the action of impact waves, materials significantly increase their durability, strength, toughness and fatigue resistance. The characteristic of micro-arc oxidation technology used for producing multi-functional composite materials featuring a wide range of properties including wear resistance, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, electrical insulation properties, decorativeness and their unique combination is given. In comparison with such methods as thermal, chemical and electrochemical oxidation, micro-arc oxidation is the most promising, because it allows the oxide-ceramic coatings of any thickness, without any restrictions for the purpose intended and in any stage of processing.
Keywords: composite material, a high-energy impact, explosion welding, micro-arc oxidation, mechanical and thermal properties.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (21), 2014. Pages: 73-77

Download full text:Pervukhin L.B., Kryukov D.B., Krivenkov A.O., Chugunov S.N., Kazantsev I.A., Guskov M.S. Future application of high-energy impact methods for the development of a specified set of mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials

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Pervukhin Leonid Borisovich – Professor, I.P.Bardin Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Kryukov Dmitriy Borisovich– Ph.D., Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:

Krivenkov Aleksey Olegovich – Ph.D., Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:

Chugunov Sergey Nikolaevich Ph.D., Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:

Kazantsev Igor Alekseevich – Ph.D., Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:

Guskov Maksim Sergeevich– Graduate Student, Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail: