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Kokoreva O.G., Shlapak L.S. Metallographic study results in static-pulsed hardening of heavy duty machine parts surfaces

Metallographic study results in static-pulsed hardening of heavy duty machine parts surfaces

Kokoreva O.G., Shlapak L.S.

The paper presents the results of microstructural studies as a comparative quantitative analysis of sample microsections produced of 110G13L steel grade and hardened by the static-pulsed treatment. The research was done at the central laboratory of «Murom Switch Works». The grain size is determined in accordance with GOST 5639-82 standard values. A quantitative assessment of sample microstructure characteristics depending on the static-pulsed mode hardening is presented. Microstructure grain size dynamics on the sample hardened surface depth is considered. Microstructural study confirming theoretical hypotheses within the surface hardening mechanism development by means of the surface-plastic technique is performed. Structural changes mechanism in the samples produced of HMS in static-pulsed treatment is studied. The research proves that the reason for hardening is austenite grain fragmentation into smaller blocks and grain twinning.

Keywords: microstructure, grain size, heavy-loaded surface static-pulse treatment, surface hardening, durability, depth of the hardened layer.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 63-66

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Kokoreva Olga Grigorjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Shlapak Lyudmila Sergeevna – Teacher, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: