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Mohsen M.N., Jwad A.H. Energy balanced sink node positioning in a wireless sensor network using a simple model

Energy balanced sink node positioning in a wireless sensor network using a simple model

Mohsen M.N., Jwad A.H.

The paper presents a new model of a wireless sensor network and its application for the optimization of network power consumption due to the optimization of connections between the units, taking into account the capacity of the power supply unit, the amount of information collected and transmitted by the unit, as well as the unit power capacity between the units and its quantitative estimate. The model can be used to optimize the energy consumption structure in a wireless network in order to increase the network off-line operation time (that is the time until the first unit failure happens because of battery exhaustion). The urgency of the problem is proved. The model is given in terms of graph theory. The detailed description of the task to optimize the network energy consumption for its longer off-line operation time is given; the approach to dealing the problem, based on the solution of the corresponding linear programming task, is described. The implementation of the solution in the form of a computer program is provided. The results of computer simulations are shown, and the conclusions regarding the applicability of the technology in practice are given.
Keywords: wireless networks of sensors, wireless sensor networks, WSNs, energy optimization, energy balancing.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (21), 2014. Pages: 17-23

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Moshen Mohammed Neama Moshen – Graduate student, Don State Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq. E-mail:

Jwad Ahmed Hashim Khalil – Graduate student, Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Baghdad, Iraq. E-mail: