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Sereda N.A. The reasons for research and development of foodstuff transferring devices

The reasons for research and development of foodstuff transferring devices

Sereda N.A.

The ways to mechanize supporting operations of processing machines and food production lines have become an urgent problem. In many manufacturing companies, supporting operations are performed manually due to the shortcoming of existing machines. The paper considers the reasons for research and development of foodstuff transferring devices. They will perform a number of operations in the kinematic cycle: gripping, holding, transferring and releasing the item. The most important indicators of transferring devices will include efficiency, power consumption, accuracy of gripping and releasing operations. The ways to enhance the performance of theoretical methods for reducing energy consumption and technological machines are discussed. The ways to improve transferring devices are presented.

Keywords: technological process, manipulator, gripping device, goods, productivity.


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  3. Device for transfer wares / Gorlatov A.S., Sereda N.A. // Pat. The Russian Federation № 2438858. – № 2010109574/02; stated 15.03.2010, publ. 10.01.2012 in BIUM, 2012, № 1.
  4. Device for transfer wares / Gorlatov A.S., Sereda N.A. // Pat. The Russian Federation № 2438857. – № 2010109573/02; stated 15.03.2010, publ. 10.01.2012 in BIUM, 2012, № 1.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 72-77

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Sereda Natalia Aleksandrovna – Graduate student, Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kaliningrad, Russia. E-mail: