Tchaikovskaya N.V., Kuzichkin O.R., Sharapov R.V., Kuzichkina E.O. Accommodation problems of Nizhniy Novgorod NPP in Monakovo
Accommodation problems of Nizhniy Novgorod NPP in Monakovo
Tchaikovskaya N.V., Kuzichkin O.R., Sharapov R.V., Kuzichkina E.O.
The problem of the nuclear power plant construction at the site of Monakovo in Nizhny Novgorod region is characterized by high karst danger. The data on the reasons for the site selection is given. The issue of insufficient EIA study is discussed. The results of karst and suffusion processes research, conducted by the team of Murom Institute (branch) of Vladimir State University at Monakovo site, are presented as well. The results have confirmed the potential danger of the area intended for the nuclear power plant construction. The area of Monakovo nuclear power plant site is surrounded by a large number of karst displays which does not provide absolute operational safety of all necessary communications infrastructure and power blocks. The site is located on territory of possible development of extremely dangerous natural and man-made processes (1 danger level). This testifies to the fact of extremely dangerous karst processes at the site and features the excess of maximum acceptable parameters in time interval of NPP operation, which can cause a risk of natural and man-made disasters.
Keywords: karst, karst danger, nuclear power, Nizhny Novgorod NPP, EIA.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 27-36
Tchaikovskaya Nina Vladimirovna – Professor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Kuzichkin Oleg Rudolfovich – Professor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Kuzichkina Evgeniya Olegovna – Student, D.Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov R.V. The transition from the technical to the natural-technical systems
The transition from the technical to the natural-technical systems
Sharapov R.V.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 43-46
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov R.V. Monitoring of exogenous processes
Monitoring of exogenous processes
Sharapov R.V.
In this paper we have addressed issues of monitoring exogenous processes. We present the observed parameters and monitoring methods for different types of exogenous processes.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 39-42
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov R.V. The structure of the groundwater monitoring system
The structure of the groundwater monitoring system
Sharapov R.V.
In this paper we propose the structure of the groundwater monitoring system. The monitoring system includes observation subsystem, subsystem of receiving data, storage subsystem, the subsystem assessment of groundwater, prediction subsystem. Subsystem of receiving data contains modules for automatic and manual receiving data, pre-processing, data conversion and data validation modules. Data validation module can detect errors in the stage of receiving data and send corrective action in observation subsystem. Storage subsystem contains a database of observations and database of models. Database of models used to make predictions changes in the state of groundwater. Subsystem assessment analyzes information from a database of observations and generates reports.
Keywords: monitoring, groundwater.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (14), 2012. Pages: 20-23
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov R.V. Principles of groundwater monitoring
Principles of groundwater monitoring
Sharapov R.V.
In this paper we have identified the main problem of groundwater monitoring. We have listed the monitoring indicators, such as the treatment of groundwater levels, the chemical composition and temperature of the groundwater, groundwater balance in natural and disturbed conditions, abstraction of groundwater, the cost of springs, the amount of water entering the aquifer by artificial replenishment of groundwater, state of the aeration zone, conditions of groundwater interaction with the environment. We considered the organization of the observation network. Necessary to distinguish between support and specialized support network. Supporting observation network designed to provide years of collecting information on indicators of groundwater. Specialized monitoring network to study local violations of the groundwater under the influence of man-made objects. Important to conduct baseline monitoring of natural and slightly altered groundwater.
Keywords: monitoring, groundwater, monitoring network.
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- Sharapov R.V. The transition from the technical to the natural-technical systems // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 2. – P.43-46.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 27-30
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: