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Сообщения, помеченные ‘Solovjev L.P.’


Solovjev L.P. The basic ways and problems of physical separation methods for fine loose materials

The basic ways and problems of physical separation methods for fine loose materials

Solovjev L.P.

The paper presents the analysis on possibilities and problems when performing physical ways of separating fine loose materials. Continuous growth of mineral raw material consumption together with concentration reduction of necessary chemical elements in ores, as well as increase in quantity and the nomenclature of production wastes and consumption, demands more widespread introduction and improvement of physical ways for separating fine loose materials. In a freefall mode of loose material weight in the gravitational field the separation method is not used when performing different ways of magnetic, electrodynamic and electric separation (except for triboelectrostatic separation). Special attention is paid to the importance of applying a freefall mode of loose material weight in the gravitational field, as well as using pulse modes in electrodynamic separation in order to enhance separation efficiency.

Keywords: magnetic, electrodynamic, electric and X-ray radiometric separation, fine loose materials, mineral raw materials, production wastes and consumption.


  1. Karmazin V.V., Karmazin V.I. Magnitnye i jelektricheskie metody obogashhenija poleznyh iskopaemyh: Uchebnik dlja vuzov [Magnetic and electric methods of mineral processing: The textbook for higher education institutions]. – Moscow, MGGU, 2005.
  2. Solovjev L.P., Pronin V.A.Izvlechenie ferromagnitnyh materialov iz zoloshlakovyh othodov [Extraction of ferromagnetic materials of ash and slag waste] // Jekologija i promyshlennost’ Rossii[Ecology and Industry of Russia], 2009, № 6.
  3. Solovjev L.P., Bulkin V.V.Jelektromagnitnyj separator s pul’sirujushhim tokomElectromagnetic separator with pulsed current] // Jekologija i promyshlennost’ Rossii[Ecology and Industry of Russia], 2011, №7.
  4. Dyakin V.I., Kozhevnikov V.Y., Kozirev A.V., Sochugov N.S. Impul’snaja jelektrodinamicheskaja separacija malyh provodjashhih chastic [Pulse electrodynamic separation of small conductive particles] // Pis’ma v ZhTF [Technical Physics Journal Letters], 2008, vol. 34, issue 3.
  5. Fedorov Y.O. Posobie po rentgenoradiometricheskoj separacii [X-ray radiometric separation allowance] /

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (20), 2014. Pages: 19-22

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Solovjev L.P. Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas

Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas

Solovjev L.P.

The paper deals with the monitoring system condition analysis of infrasonic fluctuation in residential areas. The existing monitoring system of residential areas environment is mainly based on the chemical pollution level identification. The physical (power) pollution system control of residential areas has not been implemented yet. It is important to pay attention to the monitoring system organization of noise influence levels and infrasonic range noise in particular. The paper considers the main characteristics of infrasonic fluctuations and distinctive features of human exposure. The main sources of infrasonic fluctuations and methods of infrasound level decrease are characterized. The paper presents the main objectives for infrasonic fluctuations monitoring and the recommendations for reducing infrasound influence level on a human body.

Keywords: residential areas monitoring, chemical pollution, physical pollution, infrasound characteristics, infrasound human exposure.


  1. Grinchenko V.T.Dejstvie nizkochastotnogo zvuka i vibracij na cheloveka [Effect of low frequency sound and vibration on human] // Akusticheskij simpozium «Konsonans-2007» [Processing of Acoustic Symposium «Consonance 2007»], Kiew, 25-27 September 2007. – Kiew, 2007. – P. 3-20.
  2. Sokol G.I.Opredelenie rezonansnyh chastot tel biologicheskih ob#ektov[Determination of resonance frequencies of bodies of biological objects] // 3-ja Mezhdunarodnaja molodezhnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija. «Chelovek i kosmos», posvjashhennaja 40-letiju pervogo poleta cheloveka v kosmos [3rd International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference. «Man and Space», dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the first manned space flight], 2002. – P.27.
  3. Novogrudskiy E.E. Infrazvuk: vrag ili drug? [Infrasound: friend or foe?] / E.E. Novogrudskiy, A.I. Shulgin, A.A. Valiulin. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1989. – 64 p.
  4. Ashina M.V.Gigienicheskaja ocenka akusticheskih nagruzok ot avtotransporta i puti optimizacii shumovogo rezhima na primagistral’nyh selitebnyh territorijah krupnogo goroda [Hygienic evaluation of acoustic loads from vehicles and ways to optimize the noise mode on primagistralnyh residential areas of a large city] / Author. diss. candidate. med. sciences. – Nizhny Novgorod, 1997.
  5. Gamov M.I.Improved methods of assessment and prediction of noise pollution in mining areas the region based on studies of acoustic fields induced by road [Sovershenstvovanie metodiki ocenki i prognoza shumovogo zagrjaznenija territorij v gornopromyshlennom regione na osnove issledovanij akusticheskih polej, navedennyh avtotransportom] / Author. diss. candidate. tech. sciences. –Tula, 2009.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 64-67

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Bulkin V.V., Solovjev L.P., Sharapov R.V., Pervushin R.V., Kirillov I.N. The problems of creating monitoring systems for acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

The problems of creating monitoring systems for acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

Bulkin V.V., Solovjev L.P., Sharapov R.V., Pervushin R.V., Kirillov I.N.

Noise pollution of residential areas is becoming an increasingly serious problem. Continuous growth in automotive transport intensity, construction and industrial sites in the urban environment lead to the fact that the acoustic discomfort zone in modern cities covers up to 50 % of their territory. It is urgent to monitor acoustic noise pollution in residential areas as well as predict possible noise propagation deep into residential areas. Besides acoustic noise of the audible range, infrasound and ultrasonic waves aggravate noise pollution. When predicting acoustic noise propagation, it is necessary to consider the local meteorological parameters for specific areas of urban environment. Thus, the task of creating automatic combined monitoring systems is becoming extremely important. Noise propagation prediction can be provided by means of geographic information systems. The paper analyzes the known and possible approaches and tools for solving the problem of efficient noise pollution monitoring of residential areas.

Keywords: acoustic noise, meteorological parameters, infrasound, visualization, measuring system.


  1. Mukhamedova G.R. Harakteristiki otoakusticheskoj jemissii ulic, podvergajushhihsja vozdejstviju intensivnogo proizvodstvennogo shuma [Otoacoustic emission characteristics in individuals exposed to intense industrial noise]: PhD work. –Moscow: 2006. –16 p.
  2.  Kalinichenko M.V. Nekotorye aspekty problemy zagrjaznenija urbanizirovannyh territorij avtotransportom (na primere goroda Muroma)[Some aspects of the problem of pollution in urban areas motor vehicles (for example, the city of Murom)] // Jekologija i promyshlennost’ Rossii [Ecology and Industry of Russia], 2012, №12. – P.2-5.
  3. Solovjev L.P., Bulkin V.V., Sharapov R.V. Sushhestvovanie cheloveka v ramkah tehnosfery [The existence of man in the technosphere] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2012, № 1 (11). – P.31-39.
  4. Bulkin V.V., Bulkin A.V. Raspredelenie vetrovyh potokov v urbanizirovannom prostranstve kak jelement sistemy kon-trolja jekologicheskoj obstanovki [Distribution of wind flows in an urban space as an element of control environmental conditions] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2008, № 5. –P.14-20.
  5. Belyaev V.E., Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N. Operativnyj akustolokacionnyj monitoring prizemnogo sloja atmosfery [Operational monitoring acoustic location atmospheric boundary layer] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2010, № 7. –P.18-21.
  6. Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992. Volume 1. ods.asp?m=A/CONF.151/26/REV.1 (VOL.I)
  7. Impact of infrasound on the human body // Construction equipment. Weekly electronic publication. Issue 23. Article 4.
  8. Smit K. Principles of Applied Climatology.– McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited, London, 1975.
  9. Panova M.S., Bulkin V.V. O dostovernosti kontrolja sinopticheskih parametrov pri nalichii i otsutstvii vozmushhajushhih faktorov tehnogennogo haraktera [The reliability of the synoptic control parameters in the presence and absence of disturbing factors manmade] // Metody i ustrojstva peredachi i ob-rabotki informacii [Methods and the transmission and processing of information], 2010, № 1 (12). – P.38-40.
  10. Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N., Bulkin A.V. Analiz vozmozhnogo vlijanija raspredelenija vetrovyh potokov na harakter rasprostranenija zagrjaznjajushhih veshhestv v okrestnostjah Muroma [An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2012, № 2. –P.16-19.
  11. Bulkin V.V., Belyaev V.E., Kirillov I.N. Model’ passivno-aktivnoj akustolokacionnoj jekologo-meteo37.
  12. Ryazapov A.Z., Vasyuchkova E.I., Voronich S.S., Bagryantsev V.A., Slepchenko V.N., Lomakin G.V. Vozmozhnosti razvitija apparaturno-metodicheskogo obespechenija regional’noj sistemy jekologicheskogo monitoringa [Opportunities for the development of hardware and methodological support of the regional environmental monitoring system] // Jekologicheskie sistemy i pribory [Environmental Systems and Devices], № 7, 2012. –P.13-17.
  13. Pervushin R.V. Model’ izmeritel’noj radiometeorologicheskoj sistemy [Model radiometeorological measuring system] // Metody i ustrojstva peredachi i obrabotki informacii [Methods and the transmission and processing of information], 2009, № 11. –P.406-410.
  14. Bulkin V.V. Sovmeshhjonnye radiolokacionnye sistemy meteorologicheskogo naznachenija [Combined radar systems for meteorological purposes] // Radiotehnicheskie i telekommunikacionnye sistemy [Ra86.
  15. Demidenko A.G. Opyt primenenija GIS-tehnologij KB “Panorama” pri postroenii avtomatizirovannyh sistem monitoringa[Experience in the application of GIS technology KB “Panorama” in the construction of automated monitoring systems] // Inzhenernye izyskanija [Engineering surveys], 2009, № 10. – P.62-66.
  16. Sharapov R.V., Sharapova E.V., Tsvetnikov A.V. Geoinformacionnaja sistema edinogo jekologicheskogo monitoringa regiona [Geoinformation system of unified environmental monitoring region] // Valihanovskie chtenija-10: Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Proceeding of Valihanov reeds 10]. Vol. 9. Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 2005. – P.263-266.
  17. Solovjev L.P. Sovershenstvovanie sistemy monitoringa selitebnyh territorij naselennyh punktov jekologo-jekonomicheskih sistem [Improvement of monitoring residential areas of ecological and economic systems] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2013, № 2. –P.15-19.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 48-54

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Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Pervushin Radislav Valentinovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University. E-mail:
Kirillov Ivan Nikolaevich – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Solovjev L.P. The state of environmental and economic monitoring system

The state of environmental and economic monitoring system

Solovjev L.P.

The paper analyses the state of the system that monitors the functioning of environmental- economic systems. The results are presented in the yearly state reports «About the state and protection of the environment in the Russian Federation» and the yearly state reports of the subjects of Federation «About the state and protection of the environment». The monitoring system has been significantly improved lately: the number of indices under control has increased, as well as new relative indices have been developed alongside with the absolute ones. The adoption of the state program of the Russian Federation “Environment protection for the years 2012 – 2020” was one of the major contributions to the development of the system monitoring the functioning of ecological-economic systems. At the same time there is some data insufficiency of indices – we have no relative indices characterizing contamination degree of ecological-economic systems connected with production resource capacity. Furthermore, monitoring system lacks indices characterizing the levels of physical (energy) impact on the ecological-economic systems.

Keywords: monitoring environmental-economic systems, absolute indices, relative indices, production resource capacity, physical impact.


  1. The State Reports. On the state and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation (2004 – 2011 years).
  2. Solovyev L.P. Some additional performance indicators of the ecological and economic systems // Engineering industry and life safety, 2010, № 7. − P. 55-58.
  3. Solovyev L.P. Resource performance indicators of ecological and economic systems // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. − P. 30-32.
  4. The State Program of the Russian Federation, «Environmental Protection» in 2012-2020 years.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 15-19

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Solovjev L.P. Improvement of monitoring residential areas of ecological and economic systems

Improvement of monitoring residential areas of ecological and economic systems

Solovjev L.P.

The paper deals with the monitoring system state analysis of residential areas in ecological and economic systems, the results of which are presented in the annual state reports «On the state of the environment in the Russian Federation» and the annual state reports of the subjects of the Federation «On the condition and protection of the environment». The monitoring of chemical pollution has significantly improved. The adoption of a number of federal laws and state standards in the field of protection of the biosphere and people from chemical pollution of the environment has made a great contribution to chemical pollution monitoring. Special attention is paid to the lack of physical (energy) pollution monitoring system of residential areas in ecological-economic systems. Mapping monitoring system of these impacts is designed.

Keywords: monitoring of residential areas of ecological and economic systems, chemical pollution, physical pollution.


  1. Instructions for implementation of state control over protection of atmospheric air. 2011.
  2. SanPiN «Sanitation of settlements, sanitary protection of water objects. Hygiene requirements for surface water protection».
  3. SanPiN «Sanitary-epidemio-logical requirements for soil quality».
  4. State of the environment report of the city of Novokuznetsk. 2010.
  5. Report on the state of nature management and environment protection of the Krasnodar territory. 2011.
  6. Report on the environmental situation in the Yaroslavl region. 2011.
  7. Soloviev L.P., Bulkin V.V., Sharapov R.V. The existence of man in the technosphere  // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1. − P. 31-39.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 33-35

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: