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Сообщения, помеченные ‘The development of automated monitoring for urbanized area air’


Pushilina Y.N. The development of automated monitoring for urbanized area air

The development of automated monitoring for urbanized area air

Pushilina Y.N.

The paper deals with an urgent scientific and technical challenge of estimating and predicting air pollution based on the environmental monitoring of urbanized areas. According to the theoretical studies performed by the author, an automated system of environmental air monitoring is developed, which provides collecting and analyzing environmental data on air pollution caused by industrial enterprises, construction companies and motor vehicles. The data is electronically mapped. This will increase the effectiveness of managerial decision-making in the field of urbanized area air protection. The paper describes the development of similar models and methods, as well as technical means of monitoring the environment, which would use a geo-ecological system approach to generalize the expertise gained in the field of ecology, environment and geo-technology, future structural administrative and economic opportunities for the environmental assessment of urbanized areas.
Keywords: automated monitoring, predicting, control, air pollution, urbanized areas.


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  4. Certificate of state registration of the computer № 2009615811 «Modeling of air pollution» / Copyright: Tula State University. Authors: E.M. Sokolov, V.A. Alferov, Panarin V.M. Roschupkin E.V., Bizikin A.V. Zuikova A.A., A.F. Simankin, Pushilina Y.N., Tsvetkova Y.V. Yurchenko A.V., Semin I.V., Sysoeva T.A., Chizhova V.L. Telegina N.A. Application №2009612689. Date June 3, 2009 Registered in the Register of computer programs October 19, 2009.
  5. Invention patent № 2780023 «System Environment air monitoring industrial region,» Patentee: Tula State University. Authors: E. M. Sokolov, Panarin V.M., O.Y. Lapina, Zuikova A.A., Pushilina Y.N., Bizikin A.V., V.S. Pavlova, E.V. Roschupkin. Registered in the Register of Inventions of Russia January 27, 2010.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (21), 2014. Pages: 28-34

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Pushilina Yulia Nikolaevna– Ph.D., Tula State University, Tula, Russia. E-mail: