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Vasylkiv V.V. The application of air plasma cutting process for manufacturing screw and auger blanks

The application of air plasma cutting process for manufacturing screw and auger blanks

Vasylkiv V.V.

In the technological route structure of manufacturing screw parts the formation of screw and auger blanks is considered to be the most critical and complicated stage. For the first time, an effective technique to manufacture these blanks in order-, serial- and mass production has become possible when using air plasma cutting process along the helix of thick-walled pipes and single hollow blanks. Applying this technique, metal and polymer screw and auger blanks can be manufactured, which were difficult to process by pressing and cutting. The provisions for the efficient use of the new technology are considered. The technical solutions under discussion make it possible to manufacture a number of screw blanks, including working parts of screw mixers, separators, presses, shredders, centrifuges, screw conveyors, screw broaches, cutters, screw piles, anchors, drills, screw pump rotors, screw plows, etc.

Keywords: screw flights, screw blanks, screw part, air plasma cutting.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (20), 2014. Pages: 39-47

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Vasylkiv Vasyl Vasyljevich – Ph.D., Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, E-mail: