Aborkin A.V., Zaharov A.A., Zhukov I.O. Development of methodology for calculating thermal stress state tool for continuous pressing
Development of methodology for calculating thermal stress state tool for continuous pressing
Aborkin A.V., Zaharov A.A., Zhukov I.O.
In this paper considers method of calculating the thermal stress state of the tool for continuous pressing. Set one of the major defects, limiting the durability of the tool that occurs during operation. The presented method fo-cuses on the study of the thermal stress state in order to forecast locations of cracks. Realization techniques in stages using simulation models. Numerical realization of simulation models pressing tool made through software package ANSYS Workbench. The examples of the results of calculation of temperature and pressure for the tool, and the results of an experiment to determine the temperature. A comparison of the calculated and experimental values of the temperature. The good agreement between the calculated and experimental data. This fact allows us to recommend the methodology developed for the design of rational design tool for continuous pressing.
Keywords: continuous pressing, stress, finite element method, durability, pressing tools.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 36-41
Aborkin Artemiy Vitaljevich – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail: aborkin@vlsu.ru
Zaharov Aleksandr Andreevich – assistant, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail: zahar21157@yandex.ru
Zhukov Ilja Olegovich – student, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail: dante123473@ya.ru